You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

As @Bandage observed so astutely, you won’t really know about hospitalizations from Omicron until about 7th or 10th January.

Average of 10 days from omicron symptoms to hospitalisation according to the HSA UK so given it’s been circulating for a few weeks now I doubt we’ll have to wait until 7th to 10th of January.

@Arthur is spot on here. Holohan being wary if not trusting people, yet the ones he is wary of will do fuck all whether taking antigens or not. So we are sacrificing the good use and responsibility of the majority for a minority who will say fuck that to a negative antigen test. If someone would go to the bother of taking an antigen test in the first place, I doubt they’d ignore the result. So it’s silly not to use them for positive change in responsibility and moving forward with this.


Little Johnny hates the antigen tests. Tears every time.


Who the fuck is spending money on an antigen test, doing the bloody thing and then ignoring the result. Does that make any sense to you?

I think you’re taking me up wrong, go back to the start. I never said anyone would ignore the result, quite the opposite.

The concern was that people who had a negative result would take it as being accurate, they didn’t have Covid, and there was concern around their accuracy.

I was only answering a query for @TreatyStones

My own belief with what I know about Irish human nature, is that a certain percentage of people would indeed make that assumption.

A person who would act the bollocks with a negative antigen was just going to act the bollocks anyway.

Yes, that was the justification.

Have heard of about 15 people who have all come up positive today. All seem to have picked it up on the 22nd/23rd in different parts of the country.

Don’t think it’s a stretch to say the whole country will have it by the end of the week.


I most certainly won’t have it. Neither will most sensible people.


It’s the only way to end this shite

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Fella I was drinking with the 23rd came up positive today

The wariness about antigens dated back to a time where there was a conversation about linking them to opening up. The charade at the Dail committee with the tonic water was to demonstrate that nefarious people could tamper with the test to manufacture a negative result to gain access to hospitality, sport etc.


You had dinner with an anti vaxxer, and vaccinated people, any of them could have it and you wouldn’t have known. Plenty of sensible people will get it without acting the bollix. It doesn’t only transmit in pubs. It also shouldn’t be stigmatised like many are doing.


There’s 6 of my in-laws with positive antigens in the last 4-5 days and only 1 could get a PCR. Actual reported numbers probably way lower than reality due to lack of testing. Families all just isolating and doing antigens every day or two in the hope it’ll pass through the family quick enough.


That’s an incredibly stupid post. Its like sayin i won’t get cancer or I won’t get the flu.

Tony will no doubt shut down pubs indefinitely in next few days/weeks

Now that we can’t go fit a pint, I reckon T will look to shut bookie shops next or maybe chippers next

A spin to a Longford business park today for the pcr - a lot of dublin regs. Followed by a rammed drive thru Supermacs in kinnegad. Never go full roaster.


Lots of confusion here on antigen tests, especially regarding accuracy. An antigen test is excellent at detecting someone who is contagious, in some ways better than PCR where positive cases can be contagious or not. Most people who test negative on an antigen and positive on a PCR are not contagious, the PCR test is picking up minute traces of the virus long after they have cleared it. If you have been exposed and infected and the virus has built up to levels where you are contagious, you will test positive on an antigen to a sensitivity of about 98%.


One of the hosts had symptoms on the day and never told us. The cunt.

I considered not going for a PCR and just use antigen tests and isolating like I am now. But Ms Locke said I should get one and she’s the boss. I’ll be a static at least.

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Isn’t the recovery cert useful?