You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Dunnes stores last Wednesday night was worse than any pub I’ve been in.

@Biff_Egan the Dail committee was worse than that. What they used Soda water to demonstrate was false positives. They were never asked why someone would want a false positive.


You’re assuming there that personal responsibility wasn’t taken by all parties, when it was. The unvaxxed pcr tested 23rd and negative given 24th. The rest, like myself, are hardly in public spaces and had been testing all week. No symptoms, no mixing in public spaces and regular testing… As I said, sensible people who don’t want to contract covid won’t. Now obviously, people with school kids are slightly different and I appreciate that. But what you have here largely is people talking about personal responsibility but then going to the pub or mingling with people outside their circles…they don’t have the fortitude or discipline to actually do the right thing so they end up with covid. It’s all very simple really but you’ll get a lot if guys lashing out at me as their own guilt and defensiveness kicks in.

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Lock it down to fuck. 5km restrictions until the May Bank Holiday


Is there talk of another announcement?

Sure I’m treble vaxed

If you want to fly and have to do a PCR, you may come up positive but if you’ve the recovery cert, they’ll allow you fly away.?


Buy select travel stocks
Buy select airlines stocks
Short the ‘vax’ pharmas
Fill your boots
This bullshit is over baby!

Any public health officials or politicians that get in our way now should be charged with treason and economic espionage

Tony after declaring tonight that we’re not supposed to go to any other households?

One person’s “trusting people” is another person’s “blaming people”.

It’s been fascinating to stand back and observe this dynamic here.

Tony is a head case in the midst of a mental breakdown as he realises this thing is over and his grip on power is nearing its end.


That was this morning, no visits, no shopping, no dances, no alcohol.

Must have been yesterday, just saw it on a newspaper headline in the shop

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The next 2 weeks are vital.

Can I ride the wife tonight?

You think you’re in there?

I’m not though. Plenty of people have been cautious, did everything right, did their tests and what not but still got it through no fault but just bad luck and bad timing of meeting someone positive themselves who may not have known. There really isn’t any logic to who gets it and when as I’m sure anyone who has had it in their house will tell you. Some will get it, some won’t. Some get it and they won’t have a notion how they did because they did everything right.

I said it before I had it myself, but the shame that nphet and the media generally by the way they communicate things about people who get covid is all sorts of wrong. Some people feel embarrassed to say they had it, as if there is something wrong by being unfortunate enough to get it. That in my opinion hasn’t helped matters the way they have stigmatised things as I’m sure people have got it and pretended they didn’t for fear of being castigated by getting it.


you need another booster


You got it because you let your guard down and possibly because you’re a bad person. I won’t be getting covid.


I’m a bad person and I got covid

I’ll try to be better in 2022 :pray:t2: