You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Some very scummy lads out there catching this airborne virus

I let rip at Damien Dempsey during the week and got it. I believe the whole band have it too.

But itā€™s all good, yes itā€™s all good


Your better off getting covid now. The vaccine is worthless.


I donā€™t agree with any of that.

NPHET give perfectly sensible advice about how to give yourself a better chance of not getting Covid.

If people deliberately choose to interpret that advice as NPHET and the media ā€œstigmatisingā€ everybody who does get it, may I suggest those people toughen up a little and stop being snowflakes.

A vaccine that lasts for 10 weeks and leaves you sicker than the virus itself.


Itā€™s mental when you think about it


Correct the booster is a bigger cod it will flatten you a lot more than omicron

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The moderna booster nearly killed me


A cunt of a thing. Iā€™m triple Modernaā€™d, a horrible bastard

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Youā€™d want your head examined taking any more of that shite, I canā€™t get my head around it. Anyone under 70 queueing to pump that shit in their arms is some mug

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Are you still fannying on about the little shot of a vaccine? God help us all if you ever get a flu or a slap of a covid.

Paddy has always loved a scapegoat ā€¦ someone to look down their noses at ā€¦


I had my fun, so fuck everyone else. Iā€™m alright now too which is better again.


Thereā€™s a lot of very weak people on here it seems.

I thought my early symptoms was an after thought from my booster I got last Tuesday. Turns out it was the pints/bus trips I took on Wednesday got me


Paddy loves throwing someone under the bus.


Vaccine passes should only be valid for those who have had three Moderna shots.

Ia there a TFK Last Man Standing for avoiding Covid?

I havenā€™t got it yet anyway but Iā€™m worried Iā€™ll catch it soon between work, the pub, courting, mingling with relatives and sports related events. Itā€™s not my turn for the booster yet either unfortunately.

Anyone can get the booster? If you want to be fucked for 2 days you should get the booster to ensure you donā€™t get a runny nose.