You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™m still standing anyway

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Ditto last one standing in this house Iā€™ll probably get it next Christmas to get the hat trick of COVID Christmases

Iā€™ve penciled in getting covid for Sunday-Friday next week to get most efficient use of it

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Youā€™ve more than likely had this cod of a thing already and have immunity, unless you are doing pcr tests like a dickhead every week, like every prick in Ireland youā€™ll never know. , its so serious you didnā€™t even know you had it ffs

When does the booster get added to your cert? I only took the bastard to get to cheltenham next year


Has she had her booster?

Well that was my intention.


I couldnā€™t have timed it worse.

Iā€™d usually get a few colds during the year but with the advent of face masks Iā€™d say Iā€™ve only had one mild cold since March 2020. Did my first antigen test last week as Iā€™ve never had a need to before now.

Itā€™ll be shot 4 by then

Ads every 10 minutes on the radio about covid, I Donā€™t know how ye do it lads, I saw some lad on Facebook taking the knee in Ennis tonight before getting his booster that he doesnā€™t need, the game is gone, the country is totally fucked


The US officially on the Omicod train.


The economy will collapse otherwise

Presumably that is with a negative antigen test? I still tested positive on an antigen this morning 5 days after my test and 8 days after when I got it

I gave my wan her booster last night. Let us know how you got on. :+1:t2:

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Weā€™ll have to do that as well or thereā€™ll be no one available for work

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Tony wonā€™t agree to that

Weā€™ll go the other way, increase the isolation period to 15 days.

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The economy will collapse if we donā€™t destroy it first by making people too ill or too petrified to go out.

Listen to business, they are the public health experts, they havenā€™t been wrong so far.