You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What is the lateral flow test? Is that antigen?
Also, how long after a nasty dose would you expect a -cry to re,sin positive for?

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'Tis mad the way this canard of “the vaccines don’t work” has grown. The power of right-wing propaganda.

The vaccines work.

Dont be taking any tests after you have the virus. Both antigen and PCR can show up positive weeks and even months after you have it. Means fuck all according to HSE. Just do the isolation period and drive on.


Lateral flow is technology used in the rapid tests, similar to a pregnancy test. Basically testing for a particular protein or hormone, etc. 10 to 14 days from onset of symptoms I think, varies by individual.

I’m still within the isolation period so was just taking an antigen as I thought it was an indicator of if you’re still infectious?

The daughter negative tonight on an antigen 5 days after testing positive and 4 days PCR positive had fook all symptoms anyway

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Congratulations… I’m covid free? … Oh no, you’re absolutely riddled. But you’re also having twins… That’s impossible, I’m a man… Yes, you were, but these vaccines…

Jaysus, calm down don’t get you’re knickers in a twist. Ffs sake.

Correct, antigen should only test positive if you are infectious (testing error aside).


You’ll give yourself a brain tumour if you don’t chill the beans bro

The pulse oximeter is a game changer in terms of keeping the negative intrusive thoughts at bay. That and about 100 I spent on supplements and a Neti pot. Gonna be making some expensive piss.

Had a woeful chest tightness on day two @Spidey but like Dublin’s dominance it was artificially engineered by a government agency and passed after a while.

@Tierneevin1979 do I go near a booster after this or is this Wuhan booster all I need going forward? Also are the variants totally different viruses swerving the antibodies,or not. (thanks for using this half hours post on this question bud)

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I’m zen bro. You need to relax.

Do you have a pulse? If so you have survived and like Rodgers the GOAT are now immunized and any future encounter with Covid should be milder.

It’s the same virus, the variants are just versions of it that have mutated and spread easier, standard virology. The ability to evade antibodies / fading antibodies is typical as well, very few vaccines lead to sterilizing immunity but protect from serious disease. The good news is your immune system will remember Covid and be ready for the next version.

Hon the fucking Dolphins.


This Omicron is some fucking cod, I’m right as rain. The flu last week was far worse.
Every 4th person I know has this thing and not one person is sick.

You need to get Omicron now before a nastier variant comes along.


It’s a complete cod the entire country probably has it this week you wouldn’t know unless you tested

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No. Responsible people don’t have it, just you wreckless people.


Sounds like Omicon is every bit as impactful as it’s loyal adherents on here

Omicron let’s you drink 8 craft beers, 4 green spot, 3 red wine, 2 G and Ts, loads of cheese and only gives you a dry throat. It should be sold in all off licences


Complaining about propaganda while yourself using a clearly propagandist tweet referencing a bullshit Q&A.

What a wanker. Vaccine point scoring with people when they’re ill enough to present themselves to A&E. Couldn’t leave it at asking them if they’d had it or not.