You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

With triple vaccinated people isolating from each other, what logic remains for any sort of vaccine mandate?

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Green light for a nutritious hotel breakfast. Fantastic stuff.


Herself just tested positive.

Steady on, just because she’s tested positive doesn’t mean you need to go down that road.


Not unreasonable but I’m pretty sure your wasting your time. My 14 year old daughter had it in early November. I got it in early December. The daughter did a positive antigen followed by a positive PCR. We thought she was going to be on the Claire Byrne show. Then we got a call from a nice lady in the HSE telling us not to not to pay any mind to post virus testing. No need to isolate or worry she said so that’s what we did. I think @Fat_Pox had a similar experience.

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Are you actually home testing the kids?

Lads, was willy Wonka on yet? I haven’t seen it. Twould put me in bad form if I missed it

After my ten days are up am I free to go regardless of being in contact with people who might develop it later.
So one of the kids gets it 5 days in, but I already have it, do I start the ten days again or am I unaffected do you know

Once you have it and go through the isolation period you don’t have to restrict your movements again for 3 months regardless of being a close contact. So once your 10 days are up you are a free man


S you don’t think the people who could have stayed out of ICU by getting a couple of three seconds long jabs, but didn’t, are the actual wankers.

You think the doctor that’s treating them is the wanker.

Now that’s the post of a wanker.

A snowflake wanker.

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Guess the country that gives these guidelines?

I thought you were against using someone’s demise or illness to score a point?

Do you honestly think hectoring people about vaccines is the way to get them to consider it? Didn’t have you down as a Blairite.


One thing is for sure. Looking back at a few posts . It’s quite obvious that a few of you lads have become absolutely obsessed with this fucking virus. So much so that the psychological effect it’s having on ye is way more dangerous than the virus itself was in its peak. God help ye if we get rid of it. Some of ye will develop Stockholm syndrome from. Get on with yere lives lads will ye for fuck sake.


Lovely I’ll send the missus pics from the pub


When does the 10 days start? I hear conflicting advice is given on texts versus the hse website.

Really seems to depend on the contact tracer you get. Should be 10 days from the onset of symptoms.

From the start of symptoms

is a man that is vaccinated and had Delta in mid november ,safe enough from getting it Binky?

Depends, doesn’t it?

If somebody has gotten vaccinated and ends up hospitalised I wouldn’t be criticising them. They’ve been responsible by getting vaccinated. And sadly vaccines, great as they are, are not 100% foolproof, no vaccine is.

If they’ve refused to get vaccinated and get ill and start bed blocking, they deserve every bit of criticism they get. They’ve been grossly irresponsible cunts.

That’s telling it like it is, isn’t it?

I thought the “tell it like it is” brigade liked “telling it like it is”?

Or maybe they actually prefer extreme political correctness? Certainly seems to me that’s the case.

I don’t think using an extreme form of political correctness to mollycoddle the hurt feelings of unvaccinateds is going to make a blind bit of difference to the behaviour of the overwhelming majority of unvaccinateds at this stage. Vaccinations have been happening for a year now.

I think at this stage the best way to make them consider getting vaccinated is to heavily penalise them by barring them from working - and welfare.

It’s gone way beyond a joke at this stage. These bastards are holding society to ransom.

It’s a head cold at this stage lads. You are selfish if you are getting the vaccine if you are under the age of 65 and healthy.