You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Going by current HSE advice I think you are safe enough but Iā€™m far from an expert. Iā€™d say if recently recovered delta cases were contracting omicron, Clare Byrne would be having multiple orgasms on live television.

Will doctors start asking fat people whoā€™ve had heart attacks if in retrospect they wished they hadnā€™t eaten so much?

Iā€™d be in favour of this approach to be honest.



I genuinely think the fear has gone out of it, the unvaccinated are an issue obviously.
But Iā€™m going to Cork for a few nights tomorrow, will be meeting quite elderly uncles and aunts etc, I have no fear for them now, theyā€™re all vaccinated and boostered etc, as far as I know their health is OK, the omicron seems to have altered things significantly in that respect.
But in saying that, remaining unvaccinated is irresponsible and 100% counter productive if you whinge about any restrictions,

Get the vaccine and letā€™s move on


The country is riddled lads.

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What I really picked up from @Cheasty 's retweet is what a limited internetter heā€™s become. ā€œSick unvaccinated people in hospital regret not getting vaccinatedā€ - hardly an original take and itā€™s been done 1000X better.

@Cheasty you need to stop wasting your life on twitter and get onto the r/hermancainaward sub-reddit. Every day you get to laugh at new anti-vaxx fat US republicans dying horrifically, regretting it all. I eventually stopped reading when they started laughing at the unvaxxed pregnant women dying. @briantinnion thatā€™s proper internetting.

What the fuck serious doctor is on twitter anyway?

If there was a three second vaccine that obliterated all symptoms of unhealthy eating or alcohol addiction or smoking addiction, you might have a point.

Until then, you donā€™t.

Deliberately confusing complex, life long issues of unhealthiness and/or addiction with a simple choice as to whether to get a safe, effective vaccine which is highly likely to prevent serious ill health is a very, very stupid ā€œpointā€ indeed.

Fluvio posts on Reddit as well? Heā€™s some man for the internets.

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Thanks Dr Binky

yeah you would expect RTE to be blaring out that message alright if a lad that had delta very recently now had Omicron

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We all partied

Itā€™s basically a mild head cold now.

You need to be off your rocker taking any more vaccines that donā€™t even work properly.

The same fellas whoā€™ll demand the vaccine are guaranteed to:

Vote ff/Fg no matter what.
Curl up in a ball at the idea of Sinn Fein being in power.
Will defend nphet/Tony Hoolahan all day every day.
Defend rte/Claire byrne at all costs.
Get shivers down their spine when they see John McGuirk call out double standards.
Will always do what they are told and never question anything no matter what.

Fellas need to grow a pair and this nonsense will be over.


Patrickā€™s Day is our independence day.

Weā€™ll have a few weeks now of high numbers and chastising from Tony Holohan but weā€™ll be back down to earth at the end of the month and that should be itā€¦

Weā€™ll have to have a discussion about possibly executing the unvaxxed as traitors to the country and rewarding the vaxxed but the celebrations on March 17 will be off the chain.

Youā€™d be doing some bedwetting if a doctor in Kentucy asked a young girl about to have an abortion if she regretted not using protection.


With the more infectious but milder Omicron variant the original rationale for vaccine passes has probably diminished a bit. However, while itā€™s not 100% accurate, itā€™s a good rule of thumb for identifying members of the awkward squad, contrarians and morons. As such I think it is still a useful tool as it is an effective way of identifying these people and the requirement should be kept in place to keep them locked out of society.

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Long winded wum.

It will triggerā€¦.

I think the more infectious Omicron variant is a good opportunity to introduce mandatory vaccinations

How are the hospitals going to manage if omicron is so transmissible? Infection control has been poor up to now, youā€™d imagine itā€™s going to fall apart completely over the next few weeks.


Back training since the 19th

Had Delta

Will definitely go get Omicron in February
Earlier if it starts to wane

Maybe she enjoyed the ride though.

not sure what you telling me here Baraname!!

Neighbours all have Covid. Not sure of variant.
All vaxed. Including triple vaxed.

The only one in house who doesnā€™t have it is their son who had Delta a few months ago. They didnā€™t catch Delta when he had it.

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