You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What if there are no symptoms?

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Apologies, what I failed to illiterate is that I intend getting a dose of Omicron having had Delta in December

I found Delta while rough for a few days ultimately therapeutic and it cleared out a low level glandular malaise that 2 jabs of vaccines had left me with.

I was 6 months from vaccinations when I caught Delta so the 2 x vaccines benefits had waned

Omicron will be a safe additional immune booster for me.

Hopefully Omicron is still available on February as I’d like to put a big month of training in January, if Omicron wanes I will actively seek it in January.

I posted the images as my bona fides

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She said it was just a figment of speech
And I said “You mean figure.” And she said “No, figment”
Because she could never imagine it happening
But it did

I said, “Im the most illegible bachelor in town.”
And she said, “Yea, that’s why I can never understand
Any of those silly letters you send me.”

Reminded me of a Billy Bragg song


“Then one day it happened
She cut her hair and I stopped loving her”

Great song


Problem is boss, with the amount of scaremongering over this variant, by spring time you wont be allowed go for a piss in a public toilet without a vax cert. I’m not saying that’s right or wrong but that’s the way itll be

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You’ve predicted the mess of this Christmas back in March. I’ll take your hand off for this one to be correct

a bit of re-assurance there that recent delta may keep the new variant away!!

Kingston is my favourite expert/guesser today

Immunology expert Professor Kingston Mills said that Ireland’s high vaccination level rate should mean that the State will see lower levels of hospitalisations as a result of the Omicron variant than the UK.

“Ireland’s vaccination levels are extraordinarily high,” he said.

Prof Mills said there would be high case numbers in January, but he predicted that there would not be the same high rates of hospitalisation as last January.

“A lot of cases will be quite mild, people will just get on with it.”

The number of days people who are close contacts have to self isolate should be reduced, he added. Once people had three negative antigen tests the chances were they were not transmitting the virus, he said.

Prof Mills said that in the future an annual Covid vaccine would become routine, just like a flu vaccine.

“It will become routine, it won’t be in the media every hour of every day.”


Kinston was one of Ireland’s leading marathon runners and was controversially omitted from the 1984 Olympic team with John Treacy selected instead.


Jez, every day is a school day!

None of this shit would have happened if they had kept the jury system in the Eurovision song contest. That’s what happens when you start messing with sacrosanct stuff. Look what’s happened since. 9/11 , mass tsunamis, brexit, climate change and now a mass pandemic. When they moved away from the jury system it knocked the earth off its orbit and this is the result. I mean even Limerick have won an all Ireland for fuck sake. It would sicken your shit so it would


Lad I went drinking with last Wednesday rang me, he has it and his missus too.

I must have been a day or two ahead of him and passed it on? If that’s the case where the fuck did I get it??

Pretty misogynist position you’ve taken there.

Shouldn’t the male be using protection?

Why should the female be singled out?

In terms of “bedwetting”, aren’t you the person with your nappy in a twist demanding an extreme form of political correctness towards unvaccinateds?

I wouldn’t worry about it mate, everyone has it

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dont bother tormenting yourself with that type of analysis

There are all kinds of possibilities

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I bet you’re one of them cunts who phoned in a vote for the Eurovision. You’re messing with dangerous stuff there pal


Another expert who’s expertise I agree with.

Speaking on Tuesday, Paul Hunter, a professor in medicine at the University of East Anglia, said people with Covid should eventually be allowed to “go about their normal lives” as they would with a common cold.

“This is a disease that’s not going away. Ultimately, we’re going to have to let people who are positive with Covid go about their normal lives as they would do with any other cold,” he told BBC Breakfast. “If the self-isolation rules are what’s making the pain associated with Covid, then we need to do that perhaps sooner rather than later. Maybe not quite just yet.

“Covid is only one virus of a family of coronaviruses, and the other coronaviruses throw off new variants typically every year or so, and that’s almost certainly what’s going to happen with Covid. It will become effectively just another cause of the common cold.

“Once we’re past Easter, perhaps, then maybe we should start to look at scaling back, depending on, of course, what the disease is at that time.”


As the Guardian are reporting it, you know this is end of days stuff. Expect some long :thread: from the Zero Covid set over the next couple of days. I see one of them was going on about asymptomatic Long Covid there which is a new one.