You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We need to be careful, you could continue having no symptoms for life


You got wreckless and careless. Now you’re disease ridden and you’ve probably killed a man and his wife.

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I’d say it’s clear enough that you have asymptomatic Covid that shows up as negative on the tests.

Shrinks must be absolutely coining it atm

I first heard about that a few months back

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I’m gonna need more detail on that

I’m sorry but I absolutely don’t buy it. I appreciate the fact that people have suffered. However the amount of people who have taken the opportunity to take the utter piss is unbelievable. Plenty of them post here as well. Maybe a lot of my scepticism is down to how I’ve handled my own personal situation and as a result I have very little time for people who will take any chance they can to do fuck all and get paid for it. It boils my piss.


Doing as little as possible, for as much money as possible, should be everyone’s life goal. You are just a number to them kid


Absenteeism approaching 20 per cent in certain public hospitals pre Covid is a large part of why old people die on trolleys.

What’s very funny is that the OIUTFers here seem to believe there is simultaneously massive suffering (a phantom massive increase of suicide - it doesn’t actually exist - and mental health problems, which are undoubtedly real) and no suffering (long Covid apparently doesn’t exist, so they say anyway).

They are simultaneously bleeding hearts towards those who are suffering (as long as it suits their narrative) and sneer at and ridicule those who are suffering (if they don’t suit their narrative).

I mean obviously these are completely contradictory positions and its laugh out loud ludicrous that anybody would hold them, but we’re not dealing with normal people here. We’re dealing with lads down a very deep rabbit hole of paranoia who feel that the world owes them to take their laugh out loud stupid views seriously.

It doesn’t.


Absolutely. Problem is people like you and I end up paying them.

:joy::joy::joy::joy: the ironing


You’ve got to get this Omicron thing lads, I havent felt this well in about a month.

There’s a bit of public disagreement now about the severity of Omicron - Dr Luke O’Neill was on the headlines of Radio Nova news saying the link between cases and deaths has been broken. (I have nothing against that man) The establishment is wrestling with itself but presumably the Archbishop will win out.


Keep getting shots of monkey juice lads.

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I remember you having a conversation a long these lines with @Juhniallio not too long ago. You’re a very, very nasty character.


How many elderly people passed away on trolleys last year?

That’s a pretty cuntish statement

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My suspicion is that those who have genuine issues are the ones who try their best to get on with things and you’d see very little posting on social media etc. It’s the screaming Mullalys who try to bleed the system dry which are the most vocal.

You really are churning out the unintentional ironing these days.

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Such a privilege to be in the company of such lucid minds.