You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

In fairness I think heā€™s doing a good line in self-deprecation humour the last few weeks which is great. Thereā€™s hope for him yet.

Limerick cafe outed on twitter as being a meet-up spot for Anti Vaxxer groups

Anti vaxxers, I ask you :joy:

Well the old lad is a close contact anyway there. He was chatting to a fella back home yesterday and your man hopped into the car with him for 10 minutes. Your man calls him this afternoon saying he sold some cattle to another fella the day before and they shared a spin in a jeep to collect the cattle. The other fella rings him today saying heā€™s tested positive twice on the antigen. Waiting for a PCR now. Friend of the old lad is going to take an antigen test now and get back to him. The mother has him barracked off in the sun lounge with the broom up against the door handle. Raging at the old lad for letting people sit into the car with him.


I am struggling to follow that, sounds to me like the lad your auld lad was talking to hasnt even a positive antigen test result yet, so maybe he is not a close contact just yet

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Your auld lad was telling to a possible close contact from what I can make out

Heā€™s not a close contact and even if yerman is positive I think 15 minutes is the time spent to be a close contact. Having said that thereā€™s probably a very good chance he has it just because itā€™s so rampant

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There were reports of asymptomatic Covid people suffering lung damage. Obviously these reports were from medical practitioners so canā€™t be taken at face value. Until IBEC confirm we can just treat it as rumours.

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Do keep up, long Covid arising out of an initial asymptomatic infection has been confirmed to be nonsense by IBECā€™s resident ā€œdoctorā€, @Tim_Riggins, and some bullshit ā€œstudyā€ on the INTERNET shared by anti-vaxxers. This is all the proof we need.

So the fella your father spoke to hasnā€™t even tested positive yet.

Sounds like your father is just the close contact of a close contact. I donā€™t know if that counts.

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A contact of a close contact is not a close contact


Yes to be exact but only found out an hour ago. Still probably canā€™t take the chance to let him swan around the house until the other tests come back. Says he was only 10 minutes in the car with your man but sure you know that could easily be 20+ minutes in reality. An evolving story no doubt.

Your old fella was wreckless.

Limerick City is rocking lads


If he only met him yesterday I think your father is very unlikely to be infectious yet, if he has even caught it that is.

Enjoy it kid. Youā€™ve an hour left yet


Thatā€™s from all the screaming Mulally stuff.

He should ring the guards

Due to visit my Mam tomorrow so decided to do an antigen this evening.

First one positive. Shite. Did two more, both negative.

Booked in for a PCR tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well.

I have a bit of a runny nose and a slight sore throat but feel grand generally.


For all intensive purposes


I was supposed to go up home tomorrow but the missus got a call from work to say that the 3 wimmin she works with are positive. She done an antigen which told her sheā€™s positive. I done one later as I was out and Iā€™m negative. Sheā€™s to wait 4 days for a pcr.There isnā€™t a bother on her