You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

That’s a taste of culchie discrimination for you. My young lad had a test in croke Park at 4.40pm yesterday and results back at lunchtime today.

They do get to live in big houses that cost fuck all though.


Lads driving for a PCR test with a runny nose would have been the lads shot by their own at the Somme.


Where do you even start with this?

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Wreckless lads will be riddled.

I did admire some of the gaffs as I drove by but then thought you still need a taxi to go out to Edgeworthstown. Ich don’t think so.


Boys - mocking is catching , Yere children will be gazumping one another for an apartment in Mostrim

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Reckless. This has gone on long enough


We can forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

Take responsibility.

Has the powers that be got tonsils? As the established media has had its tongue so far up nphet/hse/governments hole for so long they are almost out the other end

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I don’t think Bowers is the worst to be fair. He just seems like an old fella who has spent a career printing what the authorities say to him and doesn’t think much more on it.


Since I caught Omicron I feel 10 years younger.


You typify the wreckless… You think it’s all about you. Two years in and you’re still going on about YOU… Covid isn’t about you, you selfish cunt. It’s about endangering others… Two years in and most fellas here still can’t see or get that.


Guys this dry cough won’t shift, Mrs Spidey is floored but she is immuno compromised. Baby only went to sleep in last hour. I’d like to upgrade my dose from omicron to Epsilon


Get a humidifier?

Here’s a link to a local business in longford that should sort you

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Can someone explain to me, if an EPL footballer tests posive for Covid, how are his team mates are not all deemed to be close contacts?

Time to dust off that Level 1 - 5 restrictions chart again. We can now finally start filling in the details for Level 0.

The Botswana variant shall set us free.

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The current hospitalisations are one eighth of what NPHET predicted for Christmas


That’s why Tony Baloney is in charge. Look at the carnage he’s saved us from.


Thats the beauty of the models. Numbers right. We told you so. Numbers wrong. Well they could have been right only we warned you. Genius

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