You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

No result back yet from my PCR test. But let’s assume it’s positive and let’s assume it’s the Omnicron - I feel fine this morning (day 4). The very odd time I have to clear my chest but the regular coughing I had on day one is all but gone. Nose isn’t runny either.

I’m documenting this to show that if it is Omnicron then it should be a game changer if this is the dominant strain - yes you can catch it easier but it’s no worse than the common cold, in my experience.


Just over 28k PCR appointments for Thursday were made available at midnight and they were all booked up for 1:10am.

Nolans models contain 72 potential outcomes :smiley:


Ye have all lost your minds


Its done

I know you didn’t intend it to be but that’s a fairly damning description of a journalist.

It’s like saying a mechanic was a nice aul skin but not very good at fixing cars.

It’s now endemic and hopefully over

After at least 10 false “its done “ posts over last 18 months you wouldn’t have begrudged the Laois basement dweller his moment now …


Covid child hospitalisations in England:

“The definition used to identify a hospital admission with coronavirus is that someone either tested positive for the virus in the 14 days before their admission, or during their stay in hospital. It could mean someone goes into hospital for a non-COVID reason and later tests positive.”

The whole of the UK has it. Hardly surprising that a lot of kids admitted for any number of reasons have also had it


There needs to be a clear explanation on this front and centre on every news programme or schools are definitely shut for a few months. Either loads more kids are getting very sick from covid or they’re not and are testing positive when in hospital because of other things. It can’t be both and it’s a very clear distinction.

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Zapruder Frame 313.


He hates sitting on the fence.

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The Mrs has had a positive antigen test. Triple vaxxed, although her booster (Moderna) was only 9 days ago which, I think, falls outside their professed level of “fully protected”.

At her urging I stuck an earbud up my hooter and tested negative. Off to the PCR merrygoround with her now.

Just the 15000 cases reported here today. A bit of a Christmas backlog. The 14 day average is 525 cases per 100k and steadily reducing. Sadly there were 794 reported deaths but the data here is interesting. Of the 794 deaths, 73.5% were not vaccinated, 2% had only one shot. Of the people who died who were vaccinated, 77% had pre-existing symptoms. 82% were aged >65.


Back and to the lefties


Sure what would Niall Boylan know about journalism? Absolutely nothing. Niall Boylan is a corrupt grifter who has stolen a living by peddling lies and propaganda to the most gullible in society. Why are you retweeting somebody expressing anger at facts being reported? That demonstrates a cavalier disregard for the truth, and a hatred of actual journalism, doesn’t it?

Sure that’s the exact same excuse that was wheeled out last year. Apparently anybody who got Covid in hospital and died from it didn’t actually die, or if they got sick from it they didn’t actually get sick, or something like that.

But sure nice work on getting the predictable cheap likes from the usual thick as shit circle jerking support group, which as we all know was the main aim of your post.

Are you suggesting that every hospital in the country being rife with Omicron should be simply accepted as normal from now on?

When Britain removed all common sense health measures in the summer, they expected that Delta cases would collapse. But they didn’t.

It keeps being said that “we should all expect to get this”. And that we should expect to be reinfected with it. There are 5 million people in this country. The boosters are expected to last around 10 weeks in terms of giving good protection against infection. That’s a lot of infection.

And if hospitals become tinderboxes for it, as they almost certainly will do or are doing, that’s a problem.

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Sue Leo asked that months back and was mugged off by nphet. A clear breakdown will show that there is a few people in hospital for covid, mainly driven by other issues that have been made worse by covid no doubt.

With omicron this will be far less than delta

Some lunatic in the hotel this morning objecting to the standard hand sanitisation facilities. He was seething at the very basic protocol at check in. I’d imagine he’s going to be a delightful guest for the next couple of days. I hadn’t seen his variant of lunacy before. Standing there in his mask, outraged at the idea there might be an opportunity for anyone to sanitise their hands.

It’s nice to see Covid has given those with anger issues an opportunity to vent in public.