You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

In one sense 100 days is a very short time and in another sense itā€™s a very long time.

And rolling it out takes a longer time again.

obviously we donā€™t know the transmissibility constant yet for this strain so its difficult to extrapolate the rate of infection but if this gets into nursing homes in the new year could you right now quantify for us the impact this will have?..if you could express your answer in terms of fatalities it would be appreciated

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Tweet 3 refers to perception in western developed countries that low and middle income countries had lower vaccine acceptance. Author says itā€™s actually higher than the US and Russia.

Boosters every 3 months. No one saw that coming


" wohh, waheey , PAAATā€¦imagine that well, well wellā€¦ whoā€™d have thought it you see ā€¦A NEW VARIANT!!!..but weā€™re going to be swimming in antivirals Patā€¦put Granny next to the window Pat


Covid: ā€˜The virus is always searching for its next moveā€™ (via @IrishTimes) Covid: ā€˜The virus is always searching for its next moveā€™

cc @Bandage


Nolan needs to lash out a few spreadsheets, telling Tony what he wants to hear


ā€œHas Sars-CoV-2 tried all its tricks? Youā€™d have to be pretty cavalier to believe that,ā€ said Gavin Screaton, an immunologist and head of Oxford universityā€™s Medical Sciences Division.

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He immediately sprung to my mind too. He really really likes vaccines. Iā€™d love to see someone put together all the predictions heā€™s made throughout the pandemicā€¦ you see.

Over 1k cases in the mid Ulster consitutency in the past week. Thatā€™s about 1% of the population testing positive in a week, if Covid is a serious virus then why arenā€™t populations being wiped out?

I know we have a number of vehement flu deniers on this board but can people tell me why they werenā€™t up in arms about the flu season in 17/18? Come on now, donā€™t be shy and answer Uncle Fulvio.

1% of the population testing positive on a weekly basis for a ā€œseriousā€ virus should surely be a lot more grave than the deaths/ICU figures are showing. Itā€™s almost like fear has overruled common sense but sure when you have a few compliant dopes that can be ruled by fear that is what you get.

The Covid years will be an interesting social study in years to come, the bedwetters here will be the Japanese soldiers of their generation.


ah heā€™s an absolute madman but like myself he gets a good deal of entertainment from the virus , his analogy about " bumping into the virus on your way to Pennyā€™s there Pat " one morning had me applaud on the way to workā€¦unlike me tho the man has brought in serious coin from this thing, he is an absolute egomamiac, if the virus had a personality then he is it


ECHOā€¦ ECHOā€¦echoā€¦echo

Maybe leave stats and data to people who can interpret them a bit better. Iā€™ll ask my one year old to give u a dig out when she gets up from her nap.

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You back to make an even bigger fool out of yourself?

1k/100k = 1%

I know you have shown yourself to be a brazen simpleton time and time again this past 18 months but for you to not understand some basic calculations is something else.

Stop shouting. Sheā€™ll wake in her own time and help you out then.

Nobody is shouting here.

You need to stop rolling over and screaming when corrected on a matter you donā€™t understand but comment on extensively

Was that the place where the mother of the singer from The Primitives worked?