You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yes indeed it is.

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There’s lads flat out correcting your misinformation every day here. Hopefully it’s deliberate misinformation but I have my doubts. The anti vaxx stance on unvaccinated football players was another gem from you. That and your ignorance on pregnant women having regular check ups. You’re the gift that keeps on giving.


You’ve got that the wrong way around. You speak in narratives and propaganda.

Show us a post where you substantiated anything on any Covid thread.

Blaming the vaccine for Christian Eriksen collapsing and him not vaccinated. It’s telling lies like this that put people off getting vaccinated. It’s low IQ people with victim conplexes that unfortunately believe this nonsense. You need to stop believing them.

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Erikisen will never kick a ball again because of the vaccine


He’ll still get plenty of game time in Serie A


You didn’t respond to my challenge I noticed.

It seems you have only dealt in lies and propaganda since the start, the mug’s mug.

Did you per chance say South Africa or Botswana were done with Covid in the last couple of weeks? Usually a prelude to a new variant.

Listening to a grown up non hysterical conversation here on Newstalk, cant remember last time there was one on Irish media

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A rarity indeed. What was the gist of it?

Yet you’re still unwilling to provide a post you made that was supported despite all the nonsense input and propaganda you’ve engaged in since the start.

People from other countries are laughing at us and our Covid hysterics

I switched over to Radio One after and was nothing but Mutations Travel Bans Deadly Variants :grin: :sob:


Laughing at the likes of @mikehunt no doubt.

no one gives a shite, heard all these nonsense before

My favourite is “Ireland is not an island”

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Two lads with sticks, eight hundred years


Claire Byrne with a microphone, 2 years


and a stern look

Twould wither you

If only you’d take your own advice and quit the endless repeated postings on here all day.