You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Had a small bit of a cough and a bit hoarse this morning but had a negative antigen.

If I was infected it would have been on the 26th.

Should I be worried?

Should you be worried about a slight cough?


I had flus and colds this month that I would be very guilty to give to Mt parents but Iā€™d have no guilt with giving this to someone else at all.

A flu, a cold and covid all in one month? What kind of wretched life do you lead at all? Do you have aids?


Iā€™m in the exact same situation.A fuckin jokeshop ,sheā€™s to wait 3 more days for a pcr.She contracted it at work most likely on the 23rd.She has no symptoms and only tested herself because 3 wimmin at work have it.And one of them had a runny nose.Fucks sake.

Tis everywhere. She just got a call from her sister-in-law that sheā€™s had a positive PCR. Theyā€™d have met on Christmas morning in her parentā€™s house.

My test results came back, I have it, Covid positive. If Christmas Day was my day one then Iā€™m on day 5. Be out for work on the 4th*.

*Iā€™m actually working tomorrow and Friday.


Please tell me you extended an invite to tfk?


What are the chances Iā€™ll come up positive tomorrow or the day after?

Whatā€™s the general lag from showing symptoms to testing positive? 2 or 3 days?

had your Mrs any symptoms Elvis?

People going for PCR tests for the first 18 months or so went in the hope of a negative result. Most seem to be hoping for a positive result now. If deaths had surged then weā€™d have been told about it. Doesnā€™t appear to be the case so far. Good news.

Those who acted responsibly during this pandemic deserve some reward, maybe some sort of substantial tax credit. Those who acted recklessly or encouraged others to do so should be taxed to the fucking hilt. Covid has divided society and the tax system should be adjusted to reflect this. A selfish tax will soften their cough if God forbid we find ourselves in a similar position again.


You should make a list. Send it to Tony and tell him to check it twice to see who has been naughty or nice.


Lads who hid under the bed while the war raged around them and the rest of us got out there and went to work should have their heads shaved to mark them as the cowards they are.


The people who got out there and pumped money into the economy saved the country while the cowards were hiding under their beds ordering cornflakes from Amazon.


Thatā€™s very unfortunate after being illness free for a year due to daily sea swimming

I quit it at the start of November and that was my downfall.

Anyone who hasnā€™t caught covid by New Years didnā€™t do their part


ā€œYour life is a sacrifice I am willing to makeā€, said the lads.

The pathology of the ghouls in full view.

Loads of experts admitting the vaccine is pointless now but with the big pharma sitting on well over a 130 million doses Iā€™m sure the experiment will continue a little longer.

The vaccine is pointless??
The vaccine has saved many millions of lives