You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Where ya seeing that?
3 of us got the booster on the 22nd and only starting to feel right now.Horrible and I won’t be putting that shit in my system again.Headache,nausea,throat like I swallowed glass and flattened tired.Couldnt even stomach the dinner.

Fuck those Chinesse bastards and their filthy habits.


You said it about me doing MHQ

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She had. Felt like a sinus infection and a bit of vomiting from coughing up gunk. She didn’t reckon it was positive as the cough was phlegm-productive. The antigen could very well give a false positive in those circumstances so we’ll see what the PCR says.

Absolutely. We should do a social credit system like the Chinese.


Theres a few good points in there as there nearly always is with you but as usual (like most of your sworn enemies) it’s totally one sided. There’s two possible issues (a)1000 children being admitted to hospital because they are extremely sick from covid and (b) 1000 children in hospital the vast majority of who have asymptomatic or very very mild covid and are in for other things. They are both definitely problems. But they are DIFFERENT problems with different solutions and this should be clearly communicated to people.

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I really think that if @Cheasty went out and got Omicron it would change his perspective on everything.

Anecdotally the antigen tests seem to be doing far more good than harm.

Makes Holohan’s and NPHET’s opposition to them all the more baffling.


All pains and aches this morning. Others in my family who had symptoms before me have all tested negative on antigen tests so far though. Hopefully it’s just a bad cold and not Covid. Did I hear somewhere that you can only book PCR tests from midnight? A daft time of the night to be opening bookings.

Anyone with symptoms has covid. That’s the message .

To think I trawled the country in the teeth of it so I did, making sure there was enough nutella and kinder there for parents to keep their little Angel’s happy during lockdown. Even tried to make sure there was enough roches there so parents could treat themselves every now and again. Even took my life into my own hands by having to stay in strange hotels, not sure what covid riddled fucker was in it the night before. And what thanks do I get. I get onto @mikehunt s naughty list so I do

I’m terrible upset so I am


Get Omicron while you still can.

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It’s obviously a very high positivity rate but I don’t understand how there’s still 55% negative. There will be an error percentage on false positives from antigen tests but there must be still nearly half of those going for PCR tests without doing an antigen first and taking up space at the centres


They’ll be testing some people routinely like health care workers and nursing homes

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Did my bit yesterday, had 9 or 10 pints then back to a house party. Hopefully Omricon is in the post :crossed_fingers: say a prayer for me guys only a bit left in the bottle of Exputex.


Just go to the pub if you want to get it, had a great night in Limerick last night myself


saw in the indo, on the MIL’s table that 856 people caught covid in hospital and died. surely time for tony and paul to fall on their swords?

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I’d make my will immediately if I was you.

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The number of cases recorded in recent days was “not a surprise” given how transmissible the Omicron variant was known to be, she noted.

It was important to distinguish between patients who were admitted because of Covid-19 and those who were diagnosed with the virus in hospital while being treated for other conditions, Prof Horgan said.

Mr Varadkar made a similar point: “There could be a lot of instances where people don’t get admitted with Covid but test positive for it while in hospital. This has always been true but will be even more the case now due to Omicron’s transmissibility.

If about 25% of the country has it, you’d expect 25% of admissions to be Covid positive.

From what I’ve heard health care workers don’t get tested very routinely. Quite the opposite. I know a nurse who’s a close contact who was told to work today.

On another note, should it not be easy enough to distinguish between those that were admitted to hospital because of covid and those that tested positive while in hospital?