You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

It should be but it doesnā€™t seem to happen. Varadkar asked them to do this months ago but no sign of it.

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What @Julio_Geordio offered was the exact same excuse as last year.

The same rationale applies to all age groups. If children are becoming infected in hospital, older people will too.

Thatā€™s the context and itā€™s what anti-truthers like Niall Boylan want censored.

Currently older people are freshly boosted which should and hopefully will make a major difference, but the booster is expected to last around 10 weeks in terms of protection from infection - which is only estimated at 75% anyway.

There will always be a fresh supply of older people whose immune systems threaten to fail under the stress of having Covid, even if they are boosted, and especially after the booster wears off.

There appears to be some reasonable grounds to believe Omicron may not be as pathogenic as Delta, but that evidence is not yet nearly solid enough to think things can just go back to normal.

I expect this problem of hospitals being a constant threat of Covid spread for inpatients to remain a problem going forward.

We havenā€™t even begun to understand whether Omicron will have long term implications as regards long Covid, and we also donā€™t yet know what effect Covid and long Covid picked up over the entire pandemic will have as regards the development of early onset neurodegenerative conditions and the frequency of them in society - but again there are reasonable grounds to think there is a possibility of a problem going forward over many years.

booster only 10 weeks protection??? seriously??

Dont matter a jot. Virus is ripping through the country. Itll eventually run out of hosts. Job is oxo. Omicron is the booster.


fit people under 70 queuing up like mugs getting a booster is absolutely disgusting when they are people in Africa and South America who never even had one jab. Omicron is the best booster you can get


Itā€™s a bit of a farce reallyā€¦ Iā€™ve decided that I wonā€™t be getting anymore of these boosters. Iā€™m tripple vaxxed and have worn the green jersey to buy our hospitals and officials time to sort their shit but Iā€™m done now. I could do a yearly thing if it comes down to it but every 4 months is off the menu for T Brady. The new drug coming the US hopefully changes the landscape on this front.


Artā€™s MIL: Oh Art, youā€™re here again, surprised to see you back, you donā€™t normally even speak to me when the rest of the family are hereā€¦

Art: Yeah yeah yeah, whereā€™s the Indo??

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Iā€™ve a scratchy throat now and a runny nose. I passed an antigen. Do I go into work tonight?

God no, youā€™ve a grand excuse to stay home & watch the darts


Ah thereā€™s very few people think we should just go back to normal straight away in fairness. most people are just questioning the approach when the virus seems to be less dangerous. Most of the lads here are just being flippant and winding you up. Like yourself on the man united thread.

We should absolutely go back to normal asap. The freaks and geeks can get their 4th and 5th and as many boosters as they like, go get pcr tests everyday if they like too. Stay under the bed and the let rest of us get on with life. Iā€™d also class you @Arthur as an enemy of the OIUTF pov as youā€™ll constantly pander to the covid fanatics and reassure them about their ā€˜goodā€™ points. You are part of the problem.


Id class you as a cunt


Fast And Furious Fight GIF by The Fast Saga

Iā€™m after coming up positive on an antigen test there. My run for the last man standing without Covid on TFK may be in jeopardy. No PCR tests available in any Leinster county right now.

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They certainly have made people make good decisions. Better someone takes one and is at home waiting for a pcr while having no symptoms than thinking there is nothing wrong woth them and ploughing on in public.

I know a lot of people are panicking about not getting a pcr test but thats not going to ā€˜cureā€™ covid. Isolated for the 10 days based on the antigen and the numbers will drop again. Only issue is getting a recovery cert which like the vaccine cert is a chocolate teapot.

People are by I large doing the right thing and omicron is rife around the country. Hopefully the hospitalisation figures from SA the UK and other countryā€™s being low is also the case here. The issue I predict will happen is like @Arthur has stated above, a clearer definition of a hospital case

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I waited until midnight to get my test. Took about 40 mins

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I think thatā€™s a bit harsh kid. From his postings here, I would say hes taken a sensible approach to the whole thing. Able to see both sides of the argument. I wouldnā€™t label him one or the other and I certainly dont think hes inclined to favour the lidtf.

Seems to be a lot of people wondering about testing and infectious period. This diagram is pretty good, though no doubt the periods are not exact.


Credit due, that was a beautifully timed counter right over the top. A blow struck for the lidtf crew.
Iā€™ll be licking my wounds with 4 bottles of IPA this evening.