You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Would it be safe to assume Tony hoolahans refusal to recommend antigen tests cost lives?


between cervical check, nursing homes, people catching and dying of covid in hospitals and refusal to back antigen testing, there’s a trail of bodies all leading to one mans decisions


Wear your mask motherfuckers


None available in any county right now

Was that Orla Hegarty’s American cousin?

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I rang the GP there and they’ll organise one for as soon as possible I think. Whatever dose this is, it’s no joke. Felt like projectile vomiting and I’d run a 5km in under 20 mins.


I think the booster drive might have been a bit late to make a significant dent in infections population wide but quick enough for the at risk population.

Outstanding :clap::clap::clap:

The most significant finding of the study is that increased transmissibility of Omicron driving the worldwide surge in infections is mainly due to immune evasion by the variant rather than any inherent increase in basic transmissibility. The basic findings are that unvaccinated people are equally susceptible to Omicron and Delta infection, while vaccinated and boosted people are far more susceptible to infection from Omicron than Delta. Fully vaccinated and not boosted are equally susceptible to infection as unvaccinated.

Shouldn’t need a scientific study to conclude that though, you just need to read TFK.


The people in @iron_mike 's household wish you and yours the very best this holiday season

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I thought it was only Plague Island that had issues and that masks and vaccine passports would cure all?

Very good piece in fairness.

Theyve held the country hostage and cost the state millions upon millions. They’re traitors.

Excellent post. Sure you only have to look at the simpletons that liked the response to it, even a deleted poster came back to join in, a dead poster joining the brain dead.

We are now officially in the maximum insanity phase of the pandemic. Cunts lined up for hours in the freezing cold to get tested for a mild illness when they have been triple jabbed and had Covid five times already. No symptoms but they desperately need a PCR test to confirm their positive antigen test that they are only 99.99% confident in.

You simply couldn’t make it up.


I’d say the maximum insanity phase of the pandemic was when you were telling everybody Sweden was done with Covid and a guy who predicted the pandemic would burn out by the third week in May 2020 was the guy we should all listen to uncritically.

Excellent post :joy: the same old shit that’s been repeated tens of thousands of times is now an excellent post :grinning:
Only this time it contained a completely unprovoked attack on a reasonable poster

The circle jerkers are gas :smiley:

Or in order to get a recovery cert which allows them back into the country if they travel


It’s about the recovery cert.

So the tens of thousands that are scheduling PCR tests currently are looking for recovery certs rather than confirmation that they have Covid? I don’t believe you.

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