You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

An ‘unprovoked attack’. Would you ever grow up ffs, saying someone is part of the problem is ‘an attack’ - It’s about as vicious as saying to someone I don’t like ferrer roche.

You’ve been saying the same ol shite for the past 18 months too, just in a Mary Poppins tone.

I hope you can recover from this unprovoked attack


End this lock down now !


I’ve a few steaks out in the fridge but I kind of fancy a burger from the chipper. They do a really good half pounder. But then again they dont deliver which means I’d have to get my fat hole off the couch. I think I’ll go with the steaks

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There is definitely an element of people as you describe.

However, we have seen that the rules change at the drop of a hat. Somebody that has Covid is advised against taking the booster for three months I think. In my view it is preferable to keep everything ‘official’ and get the recovery cert to ensure entry to pubs, restaurants and to allow for travel.

ABC News (@ABC) Tweeted:
LATEST: The newly updated CDC guidelines don’t require testing at the end of isolation because PCR tests can stay positive for up to 12 weeks, CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky tells @GMA.

Standards sure have fallen at the Irish Times if they’re reduced to publishing that.

Far from uncritically dismissing the opinions of anti-vaxxers, it takes about 1 second to critically dismiss them.

Though it doesn’t need much critical assessment to decipher that an average of 7-8 deaths per day in a largely vaccinated population of 5 million like Ireland is superior to having 500-600 deaths per day in a largely unvaccinated population of 19 million, as in Romania.

So if you’re to say that a variant with no inherent increased transmissibility is causing this amount of cases, you’ve just unintentionally proven the case that i) lockdowns in a time of no vaccination were absolutely necessary, and ii) that vaccines continue to work brilliantly, even against a vaccine evasive variant.

Both of these are things you deny.

Vaccine certs/passports of any description should be abandoned. There is no rationale for it whatsoever. There never was.


This is a formality now surely. We now know Omicon is at worst a very mild 24 hour bug and is vaccine resistant meaning the entire principal of engaging in lockdowns is rendered redundant


I was trying to think of a different term to use but I couldn’t in the moment :grinning:

What would have been more appropriate in your opinion?

And when somebody says they don’t like Ferraro Rocher they’d want to be ready for an ‘attack’

Close the pubs and night clubs and lift all other restrictions. Let’s get back living


People can agree and disagree with the principle and concept all they like. Hopefully they will be abandoned in the next three months or so.

Reality for now is that most people will take the path of least resistance to get on with a reasonably normal life.

Jack Lambert on the six one talking sense

BNO newsroom :rofl: That was the crowd that distributed a faked bin laden video. You’re delving to new depths now.

Fixed that for you


Why do you persist in compulsive lying?

Vaccines protect against the development of serious disease, they are a godsend to those that are at risk of developing serious disease and being hospitalized, which is 1-5% of the population (it’s 5% in the US, the most unhealthy country in the western world). I have never argued against vaccination and have consistently said every adult should get vaccinated if possible. Having said that the correct and moral approach would have been to vaccinate all vulnerable people worldwide first, as that would have greatly reduced death rates this past year. Not in the interests of big Pharma though who are solely interested in maximizing sales to rich countries and convincing everyone in those countries that soon to be monthly boosters are vital to survival. Omicron thankfully is putting that argument to bed.

Western style “lockdowns” were a complete failure, basically protecting the WFH laptop class, the great majority of whom are not vulnerable. How well did they protect those in nursing homes where 50% of deaths occurred? The global impact has been the creation of 500 new billionaires (50 of them in US pharma companies alone) and 500 million reduced to poverty, the latter number escalating daily. Two centuries of global poverty reduction gone in 2 years.

Are you still clinging on to hope for Zero Covid?


The good news keeps coming.


I wiil update as appropriate but so far can confirm a scratchy throat and feeling a bit shite. Positive lateral flow yesterday taken because daughter had symptoms. Only got symptoms this morning. And yes i was a little wreckless (sic)

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You seem to be taking Mr. Fransman’s self inflicted death very badly. My condolences to you and all conspiraloons on your comrade’s death.

You don’t seem to be enjoying living in the Netherlands. That’s a pity.

I never lie. I don’t have to.

The correct and moral approach would have been to treat this pandemic with the seriousness with which you would treat a world war. That means intellectual property rights should have been waived in order to maximise the production of vaccines for the world. Instead the slavish devotees of private property rights like yourself have cynically chosen to frame things as boosters v vaccinating the world. When in reality they need not have been in competition. It was the decision of capitalism not to vaccinate the world.

You’ve literally just demonstrated how lockdowns were a necessity with your assertion that Omicron is not intrinsically any more transmissible. To say that lockdowns were not needed is a statement that we should have unleashed similar case figures to what we currently have on unvaccinated populations.

You are saying that we should have been Romania over the last few months. I mean, where do you start with that sort of hatred for human life. It’s truly disturbing.

Zero Covid won the arguments comprehensively. Australia and New Zealand have a combined death toll of 2,261, New Zealand having just 51 deaths. South Korea 5k deaths since the start.

These statistics absolutely trounce every other argument, which is why you wince every time they’re mentioned.

is the 3 months because you have immunity for 3 months once you have had it? I hope so, I had it 6 weeks ago!!

I was advised not to go to work because of my runny nose. So I’ll sit on my hole for the evening drinking cans. I could get used to the LIDTF lifestyle