You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

That’s the HSE theory I believe. I think NHS only have a four week period.

I’m still laughing at the crowd who are claiming to have long covid who didn’t even get Covid in the first
Place :rofl:


Long Covid is only occurring in those that previously had ‘fibromyalgia’

Long Covid is the ‘new’ fibromyalgia


Long covid is only happening to those who dont want to get up off their holes and do a bit of work to earn their corn.


New Zealand is a few islands two thousand miles from the nearest human population. Australia while a continent is also an island. Comparing low population islands in the Pacific to the western world is utter nonsense. The death rate in east Asia, not just S Korea, is very low even in countries with relatively high cases (Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore). This is because of healthy non obese populations, more than anything else this pandemic is exposing how unhealthy western countries are, due to diet and laziness.

There is no argument that favors Zero Covid in the west, it is a nonsense theory promoted by the ivory tower headcases in Independent SAGE, like the wealthy “working class” communist Susan Michie.


When @Cheasty is back discussing New Zealand you know omicron is a busted flush.


You need to stop falling back on the word “communist”, it’s very weak.

The death rate in east Asia is very low because they either locked the fook down or implemented zero Covid policies.

The ivory tower position was that the bourgeois elites should be allowed lock themselves down while the ordinary people on the street toiled in a let it rip environment.

Although I see even the king of the ghouls, Martin Kulldorff is now tacitly admitting lockdowns worked.

Isn’t Australia now riddled with it too? NZ will fall soon. Will be interesting to see how that goes with fuck all immunity

Regional element too. All those countries pursued it with authoritarian and/surveillance measures and could close borders.

The same clowns going on about Zero Covid here we’re going ape about Brexit and borders. They call the U.K. plague island but apparently Ireland could have done ZC anyway.


@Cheasty @mikehunt and @glasagusban would have loved living in East Germany back in the day.

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I’d say that number is only about 1/5th of the cases.


ICU dropped again?
Hospital admissions up by close on 100?

Every fucker has it in North Clare and no one is bothered about testing and that shite. I’d say there is 250,000 cases today in reality


We need to train the dogs to do the job. Better than a PCR

They could tot up the backlog awaiting test for the recovery PCR and multiply by 66%

Would be an interesting number

Before Covid the same creatures ‘suffered’ from Fibromyalgia

Don’t hear much lately about fibromyalgia but the ‘victims’ of fibromyalgia are also unbelievably susceptible to long Covid

Particularly when it gives you 350 notes a week


The vaccine seems to be more or less useless at preventing transmission. But very effective at preventing serious sickness.
While the argument for vaccines remains compelling, in one of the most vaccinated countries in the World the argument for not letting people get on with it is becoming very tenuous. Since restrictions seem to be having very little effect on spreading it as they stand.

Also the argument for vaccine passports etc is pretty thin now. You are either protected or your not, it won’t make a difference whether you are in contact with people who have a vaccine or not. Removing the need for them might make a more compelling argument to the anti vax loons as it would take away one leg of their conspiracy.

As is the need for a pcr test to travel into a country which is most likely as, if not more riddled than wherever you are coming from is wafer thin if not out right laughable.
I think there’s only a few weeks left to run on it tbh. But sure there’s no doubt another variant of concern around the corner.

How will NZ ever open. As soon as they do they are just going to have to go through the same shit as the rest of the world


Are many people getting 350? It’s been significantly reduced I thought?