You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We can all laugh about now…

Man down tested positive. Great day on the beer Stephens day no less


This is the real issue. A lot of places appearing as closed on Deliveroo. Further investigation has shown that most are closed due to Covid cases. This will be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Wrong thread

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Just like every other ten days really

The teachers don’t want to wfh, they’d do nearly anything to avoid it (except for P.E. teachers)


That’ll get the case numbers down.

The testers have the covid or are close contacts.

Time to invest in shotguns and canned food lads.

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Sorry art I had to wait the 30 minutes
But I can tell you
I can make it now, the pain is gone
All of the bad feelings have disappeared
Gone are the dark clouds
That had made me blind.
It’s such a bright, bright
Sunshiny day


Do you honestly believe the Archbishop cares? The Govt will lockdown if Tony says so. He’s typing the letter this minute @mickee321

I had some fabulously enjoyable pints with a big group of my old muckers tonight for hhe first time since Covid, we’re all in agreement that it’s moving towards Endgame, there’s savage optimism with omnicron

Night night


Good man

Where did you go?

A night like that is hard bet.

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Did you stop for a dirty kebab on the way back?

You’ll be glad of Tony’s 8pm closing in the morning

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Good man @backinatracksuit

We can all agree that an endgame here is what everyone wants.

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Wouldn’t you like to know.