You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Maith an Fear :clap:

Tests just cannot be got

No mate. Stopped off at Beal na BlƔth on the way back, never visited the monument in all my time in Cork. I was moved I must say.

Folk saying this is the beginning of the end. How do they know? Nobody knows whatā€™s next or how this omicron could mutate into something else.

Hope springs eternal :crossed_fingers:t2:

Just to the Pier Head and then back to my mothers (now my sisters) place afterwards.
At 1 minute to 8 o clock they rolled back the canopy and asked us to leave, Guards parked in the village.
Iā€™ve barely been to Cork in the two years since my mother died, without a parent to return to youā€™d easily lose touch


Maybe itā€™s only the end of the beginning

200w (4)

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Thatā€™s the details on what the Americans are bringing in.

On my 3rd day of antigen tests,still all negative for Massey even though the wife is positive antigen . I had a bit of a head cold about a month ago Iā€™m thinking maybe Iā€™ve had Omnicron

Iā€™ve a sinus infection again.
All my symptoms are head cold like but Iā€™ve had 3 x negative antigens & negative pcr last week.

Donā€™t be so sure, mate.

How many people have you murdered since? You were out in the pub recentlyā€¦

Iā€™ve something similar. Two negative antigens done. Canā€™t get a PCR till tomorrow. Not sure if Iā€™m supposed to go to work tonight or not

Call the guards mate :grinning:. @carryharry I surely would have caught it off the Mrs at this stage.I thought this thing was highly contagious.Your lucky to get a pcr @Batigol the Mrs canā€™t get one at all.

68 discharges.

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Come on ye bastards, let me out for new years

Was chatting to a friend who had a family gathering. Three women tested positive for Covid. Three men negative. He couldnā€™t understand it. I told him the women yapping was likely the reason.

Misogynists are out early. Hereā€™s another. Tis like why the women liked snooker back in the 80s. Loved seeing the table being cleared. They loved Jimmy and Alex cos they did it quick.


Iā€™ve a theory on the testing. Not letting people get pcr tests means they canā€™t get a true figure or herd immunity due to omicron. Without this they will force the booster on people in the new year

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