You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

They didnā€™t do a great job tidying up either. Leave that to someone else sure.

when was the diagram done up?! pre omicron or post

Omicron can manifest itself by way of syntoms much faster than previous variants, should be detectable on an antigen test faster than previous variants???

To the moon

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We must be near 100k over the last 3/4 days?


with them numbers, schools hardly re-opening??

Thereā€™s barely any Guards left to work this week never mind teachers.

Country is on brink of grounding to a halt.

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Finally tested negative on the antigen. Unless Tony decides a sudden lockdown we should get a good weekend out of it


We are at the point where the only sensible thing is to let it rip and tell people to stay at home if they are concerned


Itā€™s obvious at this stage they are just letting it rip NPHET not meeting for another week


Iā€™d say supermarkets will have to shut soon enough.

NPHET are back after Christmas break on 6th January.

They expect peak around 11th

As someone said when interviewed after a game of hurling during the summer. "Its like trying to stop the tide with a bucket "


In the course of a year, individuals in the United States suffer 1 billion colds , according to some estimates. Adults average about two to four colds a year, although the range varies widely. Women, especially those aged 20 to 30 years, have more colds than men.

They wont shut the supermarkets. But you may well be back to an extremely limited capacity with long queues .
Cant see the schools opening until after we hit peak.

At this rate theyā€™ll need one of the smart kids in high babies to fill in as sub teacher for the low babies class.

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So the plan is to let it rip until we hit the peak and then after it has all peaked introduce further restrictions? Sounds like these people just want social control.

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Not sure, I saw it on Twitter yesterday. Took a good few days post exposure before I tested positive.

This fella seems fairly sensible.

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In fairness, youā€™ll need something in place to try and reduce pressure on the hospitals.

its going gangbusters lads

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Half the country wiping their noses with their jumper sleeve or on the back of their hands at this stage, having learned nothing about hygiene in the past 2 years

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jez the lads producing chart\diagrams are flat out!!

how many days after exposure did you test positive on an antigen?