You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

At this stage of the game, you could go with leaving out the vowels.

I am posting live from the local vax centre. There is literally nobody here.

You’re a somebody to us bro


Glad to see you coming round to ivory way of thinking

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Woolie was saying on Twitter that it’s fizzling out.

Ah here why don’t they call it the omega particle and be done with it. Ffs sake.

It will be interesting to see how The Virus reacts to Dr Mike Ryan’s latest remarks.

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They’re still at it, it appears there’s s new variant and the lunatics here are still rehashing the same old shite over and over and over and over and etc etc

Jesus Christ, have you lads absolutely nobody else to talk to? :joy:

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Caitriona Perry after asking Egg Donnelly why weren’t we scanning for this variant for the past few weeks.


Oh the egg has come out of hiding.

Oh she caught him a beaut. 1st she asked him if it had been detected in Ireland.

We are officially dealing with a variant of CONCERN here

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The fact that science allows us to meticulously plot every variation of a virus within days of it emerging is amazing really. Fills one with confidence re vaccines.

The Government have adopted a “let it rip” strategy here. They are afraid of their shit of a lockdown for budgetary reasons and the fact that half the people who vote for them are right wing anti vaxx loons.

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Like his podcast

Wasn’t Omicron the name of an accounting software years ago?


By accident or design the tans did the same…about 15 months too late right enough

Everything is open here since mid-May

John Mcquirk was outstanding on newstalk.