You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The replies under a few of the journalists tweets are funny, the bed wetters are demanding immediate action. 20k has triggered many.

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Anything from any of our great leaders?

They probably all have the covid too.

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There must be money in it somewhere. Four or five days for me - a weekend of exposure, positive the following Thursday.

Stock up on toilet paper

The next 2 weeks are vital.NEPHT and Meehole are letting this rip.People aren’t passing any heed of Sir Tony anymore the crescent was mobbed there earlier.


had you symptoms Jahan or just testing in an abundance of caution?

word is symptoms in omicron manifest themselves bit quicker than previous variants

Extremely mild on the Wednesday, to the extent that I wasn’t really concerned about it. I was testing daily as I returned from abroad following the weekend and have a couple of people I did not want to expose regardless of how mild it is turning out to be.

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You need to expose those people. They’re living in fear, it has to end.

I disagree.

Health is one consideration and for a small number of people there is still a valid concern.

Another consideration is the practical implications of having to isolate and not being able to work etc., where being out of action later is better than being out of action right now.


get any worse symptom wise after wednesday Jahan?

at least you have tfk to assist you through isolation anyways

Vague flu like symptoms for a couple of days that I would usually ignore or fix with whiskey.

Exactly. Largely didn’t bother with this thread for a good while but at least it passes the time.



This thread has been known to make some people sicker.


Ah, they want to test positive in early January when they can maximise their time off, great plan.

A good cold snap is what’s needed is what we’ll be hearing next. Kill the bastard

Some people on Twitter are seething that Michael Martin hasn’t made an emergency address to the nation

Tony getting stick for emphasising hand washing and not mentioning masks

Brenda & Nuala must be at their wits end

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I only have the four households coming tomorrow night. Twill be slim pickings when they throw the car keys into the bowl so it will