You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Will you have them all do Antigen tests before they come in? Serious question.

Tony obviously in the pockets of the big hand washing lobby.


Iā€™m only kidding chief. Itā€™s only the four of us. Noone coming. Have the mother and father for dinner on new years day. Thatā€™s it. Truth be told weā€™ll probably be in the bed by 11 tomorrow night

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How are you getting on mate with Covid and cancer treatment?

I have a mate whose wife has been getting treatment for the last 12 months and the chemo has rendered the vaccines useless as well as destroying the immune system.

Iā€™m finished treatment boss. I havenā€™t had chemo in over a year. Iā€™m cancer free. Had a scan there a few weeks ago and all was good.


Big Soap.


Big soup more like!

Kev is still in the pocket of Big Soap



A Bold call

Looks like theyā€™ve beaten Sweden to the punch

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Kev had a cracker there a month or two back.

He had a series of tweets one morning seeking advice on how to prepare & file annual accounts. Saying accountants are complete bluffers and robbers and we need to stop using them and rely on ourselves. Complete charlatans, they might get the message if theyā€™re not getting the business. Or they might at least be forced to carry out a few jobs for token fees. Bullshitters, going on about their qualifications & membership of a professional body to justify outlandish fees.

About an hour later. A new series of tweets. S&C coaches need to stop selling themselves short. The only way the S&C community as a whole will get the respect it deserves & allow people within it to make a proper living is if we accept that weā€™re qualified professionals offering a valuable service. We need to charge prices that reflect the high level of expertise weā€™re offering & stop taking any old role to get our feet in the door. Iā€™ve even heard of people taking on freebies just to get their name out there but thatā€™s detrimental to everyone else working in the industry.

Completely oblivious.


Hope heā€™s paying his taxes the fucker.

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Would you believe I actually saw his series of tweets on accountants and thought it would be funny if you swapped in S&C coaches.


Schools to reopen on 10th jan?

Did you read that somewhere?

It was a kite being flown in my direction

An old link Iā€™d say.

Already fooled a few I know :sweat_smile:

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ā€˜Hold on Kev, I wanna die too!!ā€™