You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

The bit where heā€™s fucking flanders out of his own bomb shelter, all the while turning to the kids ā€œIā€™m so sorryā€ classic

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Also the bit where he says ā€˜Iā€™m disgusted by everyone, especially his children!!!ā€™

And then the Iā€™m sorryā€¦.

All very strange, random and funny.

Heā€™s winding up a humdinger of a letter
cc @Tassotti


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Heā€™s a beaten docket with the younger ones now.

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Tony wasnā€™t happy when got the automatic OOO reply from the Egg.


Clearly a head case if heā€™s writing a letter in this day and age

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I doubt thereā€™s anyone between 22-28 in this country who isnā€™t either currently positive or else off Skiing in the Alps.


Got Covid result there. Positive. Feel relatively ok. More of an annoyance than anything else.


Get up off yer holes and get covid. Everyone has to play their part. #wecouldbe5million


Iā€™ve done my bit. Going to be bullet proof now. :grinning:

Eggys message saying heā€™s on his holibops probably drove him wild

Two moderna, one Pfizer and a covid. If I cant have a pint now then when can I


Bro itā€™s not about how you feel but how you might infect othersā€¦ This is something everyone fails to grasp.

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Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying about the annoyance bro. I have to curtail mixing with other people which I do willingly but is a bit of a pain.

Youā€™re a great guy.

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Heā€™s a selfish bastard that @farmerinthecity lad.

Conor Beirne is still better than Adrian Croal mate.

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Donā€™t forget about the match Monday evening lad.6pm

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