You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Covid will fuck it up.

I was hoping to go to it but alas

Has the government done or even said anything in the last week? I havenā€™t been following closely.

Perhaps this is a tall virus. Iā€™m over 6ft, @farmerinthecity 7ā€™4ā€ and we both got it. @Thomas_Brady at 4ā€™11ā€ still hasnā€™t got it.



The Bishopā€™s Anus IPA provides immunity.


Ooooft. Heā€™s off to get a step ladder and to retrieve the mallet from his dogā€™s hole.


Thatā€™s in shoes bro.

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Schools closed to 11th January

Theres no need sure. Everything is working perfectly. Omicron has saved us all

You were posting pictures of the pub the other day like a ā€˜bigā€™ manā€¦ Now look at you, disease ridden and youā€™ve infected another man and his wifeā€¦ It seems wrecklessness comes with height, not the virus.


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Fake msg doing the rounds from last year.

Sure the 11th is a Tuesday.


That was last year mate


Iā€™ve no time to fact check at this time of the year.

Iā€™m trying to watch Karate Kid and stay on top of Covid.

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Whatā€™s the CMOs letter going to say?
Cases are tracking as we predicted. The end.
Iā€™d also ask if NPHET were warning of all these cases post Christmas why were plans not in place to increase testing capacity? The exact same happened last year.

Should have read the Newstalk thread mate. They were done same as yourself.

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Theyā€™ve no credibility to lose. Iā€™m a respected INTERNET poster.

Lessons have been learned and I wonā€™t drop my guard again.


Eh, you asked me why I didnā€™t invite you along.

I only wanted to be asked. Not a hope Iā€™d set foot in a pub during a pandemic.