You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

you’d want your head examined, a lot of screaming marys out in the pub the last 2 weeks I see

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Jesus you’re needy.

Tony Baloney is a sending a letter to the government tonight I see, how does this work? he concludes the letter, sealing it with a special wax stamp in his office at 19:30, like something out of the 1600’s, then some minion on horseback outside picks it up and delivers to the government ( 3 doors up) who makes a decision


He writes the letter to Egghead Donnelly who is in the same building. The internal mail minion has the responsibility

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What are they saying on the mainland about the Irish handling of Covid ???

I’d say he writes with a fountain pen, in calligraphy style writing

don’t know, I have been on craggy island the last week

It’s the new Titania account, a great variation on a classic


Unreal wumming in fairness

That’s an unreal account

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The pinned thread of satirical posts by Titania that ended up appearing in the Guardian and the like is hilarious.


That’s class

Anyone on here should have grasped it. You’ve give it plenty tbf.

He’s covering his ass, tghats what he’s good at.It wasn’t my fault I wrote to egghead in late December warning him etc etc

Not all heroes wear capes.:grinning:

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Tony’s PA Maureen will open a new MS Word 2007 document. Tony will walk around the office talking loudly whilst Maureen types. When it’s done Maureen will print it. Tony will sign it with an AT Cross pen. Maureen will then walk across the large office and put it into the scanner but when she tries to scan it, it doesn’t appear in her ‘My Documents’.

Meanwhile IT guy Joe is driving to the cinema with a car full of kids when the phone goes…
He sees Maureen’s number coming up on the phone and thinks more than twice about ignoring it but he knows it could he be important… “Hi Maureen”. She’s in a panic, apparently Tony is like a bull and needs this sent ASAP. Joe tells her to email it to egghead directly without the signature but that won’t do apparently as “it’s nothing without the signiture”. Joe spends 20 minutes explaining to Maureen about how you can actually scan to email but Maureen can’t find the @ symbol on the small scanner interface. The bould Tony and his thick fingers intervene and the @ symbol is finally located and presto the email is sent.

Joe and the kids miss the start of Encanto, Maureen gets a gentle neck rub from Tony and egghead is at home playing Roblox with the kids.


What about handwashing?

ricky bobby idk GIF

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Another spectacular u-turn from Tony.

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Tony has released me for New Year’s the sound bastard what a lovely little bit of news to get. Instead of another three days of this wank its all over.


You’ll have nobody to serve you at the 7.59pm countdown.