You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


Why are people actually even bothering getting PCR tests anymore with basically fuck all symptoms. Take an antigen and stay at home for the week. Go for a run to clear your head but stay clear of anyone. If youā€™ve a family keep them clear of people also. Iā€™ve had 3 jabs now and have no intention of ever going for a PCR test again. Before meeting anyone the last two weeks Iā€™ve taken antigen tests.


All joking aside the brother is over in Canada and antigens are going for 70 dollars plus on Craigslist. His housemate went down two days before Christmas and he was only able to get an antigen yesterday

No, when you book your pcr you used to be able to answer if you are booking the pcr because if symptoms or positive antigen or close contact etc. Assuming still the same. You donā€™t need a hse antigen to book a pcr

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These lads telling us what to do havenā€™t a clue and havenā€™t moved with the times. Big T tweeting yesterday about washing your hands :joy::joy:.

I presume they wont let you now if you are between 3 and 40. Confirming what we already knew that itā€™s of fuck all danger to that age group. Yet again tying themselves in knots after spending a year saying it wasnā€™t the case

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Itā€™s still allowing me to get as far as step 7 (booking a venue) at the minute anyway.

It sorted the young lads omni ridden stomach yesterday good and proper

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Ah sure they are only just after pulling this out of their arse. Give @KinvarasPassion and the Indians a few hours to catch up


The pcr tests are clogged up because of neighbours like mine,a woman in her 40s who been under her bed for 18 months was telling me today that the 5 of them are off for pcr tests tomorrow cause 2 of them have sniffles.They havenā€™t even done any antigen tests.


The while thing is mess. Probably doesnā€™t help that this is happening over Christmas holidays where its harder for the information to be issued to people but itā€™s all over the shop and people havenā€™t a clue what updated guidelines or procedures are.

Its a joke they should have increased testing capacity for pcrs let alone the snake oil tests

Is the HSE covid app still going strong lads?

That was snake oil in fairness.


Dr Tony sending missives via twitter while the Govt still on their holibobs.
A no contest

Lads pissing and moaning about pcr tests and how itā€™ll impact their festivities could take lessons from poor Marisa. Now had I been on that flight bursting for a Tom Kite I may not be as supportive. She should be tested for Mad Cow too.


Did many lads here download it I wonder?

I hope not, mate.

The few that were talking it up initially were surely hoping balls.

The worm is turning


Heā€™d fit in well here