You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

That is an appalling use of English there by Trevor Sinclair. The tweet appears to be missing words.

Itā€™s literally insane. I went three months without reading a post here and when I popped back in the same ā€˜argumentsā€™ were being made by the same headbangers.

You make an awful song and dance about things you donā€™t do. The lady doth protest too much vibes from you.

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Looks like the vaccines are winning again. :clap:


The Irish are a nation of fucking simpletons by and large and this whole sorry episode proves it, still banging on about this shite 24/7 in the media 2 years in. Top of the news every day, and now making kids wear masks FFS, give me strength


Tubridy will tell us all how great we are tonight and all will be right with the world


I saw someone on twitter call Ronan Glynn ā€œMilhouseā€ - I laughed


Yer man Mike Ryan from the WHO seems to have given up on it

Blue Dolphin.


Iā€™d say youā€™re still using TAS books out in turnip land.


I agree with what was said here. Ireland has gone stone mad

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omriconā€™s nut

No one seems to care about covid apart from.a few nutters on this.

A silent wish sails the seven seas
The winds of change
Whisper in the breeze

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Regarding the latest updates on masks for kids and jabbing kidsā€¦ Whatā€™s the temperature on Facebook with the local busy body motherā€™s lads?

Which way are the Fionaā€™s leaning?


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what kind of freaks will be running in the country in 30 years if these idiots in Government subject Children to any more of this barbaric shit like mandating kids to wear a mask

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Our class WhatsApp is like the salem witch trials with mothers trying to identify who brought it into the class


Experienced that recently a friend of the missus her youngest got it 2 weeks ago we met her last night out walking and got chapter and verse of the CSI investigation that went on I was standing there saying nothing the young fella was grand a few sniffles for a few days Jesus wept :man_facepalming: