You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

What we know for a fact is they are using the positive antigen :heavy_check_mark: To stream positive cases into the system which is fucking ding bat crazy.
This shit is running wild fire.
See ye on the other side compadres.

Peace out.

It’s a lot less than €200 per PCR test mate. Private companies can make a profit doing PCR tests for €60 a go

I’m delighted to hear that lad.Godspeed.

Couldn’t get a PCR test. Almost got one for Kildare randomly enough but it was gone then when I went to confirm a time.

With the vast increases in positive PCR tests, its an interesting question. One I believe has never been asked of Nphet and co though.

I could be going down a dead end, but the cycle threshold piece is interesting.

What number are we using 30, 35 or 40?

Have Gavan Reilly or Fergal Bowers asked that question?

Got a PCR test!!!

They did in their bollix, €5.95 a pop at the pharmacies this evening!

Happy new year

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It’s very, very simple.

Stop testing and covid doesn’t exist.


The virus didn’t take Christmas off - Ciaire and co did

Lads & lassie complaining about antigen test costs that are taken to allow them go out quafffing jäger bombs & ccktails rtc at a tenner a pop


Still have my runny nose guys. Going for a test in a few hours to determine if it’s just a runny nose or if I have a runny nose but with a fancy name

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Theres some amount of wummining on twitter about the government being silent and doing nothing. Do these people want their hands held and arse wiped by a usless shower like FFG? If you can’t get a test, have symptoms or positive antigen stay at home and isolate. You shouldn’t need to be told that


All the covid hard chaws bitching and moaning for last 18 months about restrictions, rules and government. Once they get the mildest version of it they go in to big blouse mode and follow the rules and restrictions to the letter. Bunch of fannies.


We don’t all have hide under the bed jobs

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In one post Michael, you’ve just contradicted every other post you’ve put up here since this whole thing started. I always knew you were secretly one of the oiutf brigade.


Tony Fuhrer was on newstalk there now saying that schools will reopen as scheduled which means that they’ll probably stay shut

Day 7/8 of Omnicron - feel absolutely fine. There’s some phlegm that needs dealing with after the nights sleep. The missus was saying that there are new guidelines if you are vaxxed up? 7 days and not 10. Is that right?