You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

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I don’t know how you guys do it?


Your comprehension of my post is way off then.

Horse has bolted Mike. You’re still trying to shut the stable door

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An awful pity NPHET are never near a journalist so this could be put to them


Sure yis wanted them silenced.

Can’t have yisser cake and eat it.

Tony Holohan was on Morning Ireland this morning.


Did anyone say anything about it?

Bleeding gafs, mots, coddle etc

The whole thing is a cod.

They wanted all adults vaccinated against something they now can’t even be arsed to test them for. History will not be kind to the sheep who unable to engage in critical thinking.


How’s your recovery coming along, mate?

I disagree these are the same folk that flip flopped when suited them and bought into all the bs of wear the green Jersey then wanted OIUTF then back under the bed last Christmas.

Glorified children who need to be told what to do. Mike in fairness you made your decision to LIDTF and stuck by it, making your own choice as an individual. You don’t need someone to hold your hand.

But I agree a bunch of fannies.

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It’s only been reduced to 7 days if you’ve had the booster vaccine

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Some bird on morning Ireland was imploring him about the schools opening earlier on.

That’s the job. Today is my last day so.

Straight to the pub tomorrow?

Do you want to meet up or something?

I don’t want aids.

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All a cod. After a couple of days of sinus infection like symptoms, wake up this morning and not a bother. If this is all it is there is no excuse for the restrictions. The screaming Mary’s can stay under their beds and keep saying their prayers. It’s over.


I was LIDTF until a vaccine was found. I have not called for reintroduction of restrictions since the vaccine was rolled out. If I was mental enough to think this was all a cod then I’d be a hypocrite to be taking antigen and pcr tests.

Was chatting to a cousin yesterday who works frontline. GP sends in this anti vaxx cunt who demanded a chest xray cos they caught Covid. Nowt fucking wrong with him but taking up resources. This is the level of idiocy front line workers are dealing with.


Anxiety is a curse. Poor anti-vaxer