You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I am cursing the Mrs here having me take the antigen test. If I hadve held for another 24 hours I would be out the door today and all I would have had is a sinus infection. Load of bollox.

How many people would you have murdered? Your mrs is a hero.

Wrong question, it should be how many people would I have made immune to covid? How much would I have saved the HSE on jabbing people? I would have been a hero. Sure the covid parties tonight will finish this shit off once and for all. Its over.


This time last year, Luke was on stage with Mundy ringing in the New Year. What a time to be alive.


Heard a clip from Tony’s interview on the news there.

He said if there wasn’t any constraints on the testing system the case numbers could have been as high as 30 thousand yesterday.


I’d say 300k would be closer to the real figure.


Sure it’s a perfect example of why they should be muzzled. Arrogant scientist goes way above his brief calling antigens ‘snake oil remedies’, contrary to most other countries. Then has to do giant u-turn and come back into line with science elsewhere, thus giving anti vaxxers and normal people a perfect opportunity to ridicule him. Nett result? Less compliance. Good job Nephet. Public health poorly served by an unchecked ego.


I believe what the Twitterati want is transparency so the advisory committee can give their views on the items under their remit in public before the elected body that has a wider remit can weigh up the trade-offs but not transparency behind the models and ‘science’ driving the decisions of the advisory body.


A fella I know is isolating, 3 x positive antigens.

I asked was he out boozing, he was says he. Shur people need to leave their hair down says he.

He’ll have plenty of me time now until next Wednesday

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if holohan was handled properly by the media, his appetite for the limelight would diminish rapidly and completely. instead the cunt is emboldened and encouraged at every turn


the cheek of him, going for a pint.


Or like we always said we’re all grown ups and can exercise personal responsibility and won’t be using tonic water or butter on antigen tests.

Exercising moral judgment on somebody who catches an endemic respiratory illness marks you out as a bit of a Wally.

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Here’s the ting though Art. I have yet to hear one official statement from anyone in government since before Christmas. Holkham and npet have essentially had the airways to themselves. You can say what you want about thar far cunt in Westminster and his egg head health secretary but at least they’re making themselves available. Unlike that useless cunt in cork and the other bald fucker in wicklow. Both of them probably taking the last of the turkey curry out of the freezer. Worst and weakest taoiseach since the formation of the state


The thing is @iron_mike do we want to hear from the cunts? Let’s face it who in their right mind is actually listening and following any instructions they give? They have lost the public. Donnelly is a joke at this stage and needs to be removed as health minister. Anytime he opens his mouth something stupid comes out. I wouldn’t be surprised if behind the scenes Martin (God help us) is actually running health similar to what happened when that other cunt from Wicklow was in health and Varadkar was running it.

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A lot of lads whinging about isolation periods, poor messaging, antigen test costs, pcr test availability for a “ Cod “ of a virus.

Pints pints pints….

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It’s politicians fault too that the country is riddled with a “ Cod “ of a virus.

You couldn’t make this up.


Sure they invented it.

We know this because the real experts here told us.

I just hope weekly deaths don’t jump now because lads are passing the “ Cod “ of a virus all over the country.

The Omi is very mild by all accounts so hopefully we won’t see much serious illness or death.