You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I take your point. But believe it or not there are some people particularly among the elder who are scared shirtless, They need to see some kind of appearance from our leaders .

Iā€™d say the chap is happy enough isolating till Wednesday if it means he doesnā€™t have to listen to you lecturing and tut tutting.


The politicians and NPHET need to simultaneously front up and shut up.

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He has a phone thankfully.

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He had his fun and thatā€™s all that matters.

This post is dripping with guilt and a nice helping of hypocrisy.

Whatā€™s your point?

Iā€™d say he has very hairy hands.

The ā€œI wants me pintsā€ merchants usually do.

Pints pints pintsā€¦.

Think we need one of your summary posts @Arthur.

Had a look at Twitter last night after this new guidance around antigen testing, reduction of isolation period from 10 days to 7 and government departments being handed licence to give derogations and set aside close contact rules as they deem fit.

While there was almost universal disdain over the complete about turn on antigen testing - snake oil to main part of our defence in a few months - it seems the war continues.

One side is raging that theyā€™d take ā€œrisksā€ and the other is relieved theyā€™re being ā€œpracticalā€. One side thinks their kids will be lambs to the slaughter when they go back to school, the other is thankful that this lessens the chance of schools and businesses having to close due to staff shortages.

Not quite mike. The British press are trying to find Johnson over Christmas to see where he spent his time, the suspicion is another holiday

Was he not on the telly there yesterday? At least their egg head is on the telly

You need someone to come on tv and tell an adult how to behave responsibly? Really?

tell that to the 846 people who died after catching covid in hospital,

@iron_mike i agree with re: martin and egghead but the media are just as bad encouraging holohan

Hold up Art.

Letā€™s talk about current conditions.

Read the post again. I said there are elderly people who a scared shitless out there and they need so e sort of statement from our leaders eve if its only "stay calm " message

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In fairness, you didnā€™t say that. You said they were scared shirtless. A study in Israel concluded that stripping off was a symptom of Covid anxiety.


Fuck. Another new variant

I expect this massive wave will pass or seriously decline within two or three weeks. My guess is that hospitalisations will hit around a thousand and start to tail off after that. Thereā€™s going to be massive disruption in that time however.

Everything now hinges on the data as regards how Omicron affects the old and immunocompromised, and how it affects people in different vaccination categories, the boosted, the double vaccinated, the unvaccinated.

There will need to be a big effort to collate this data internationally. Eastern Europe where there remains a large amount of people unvaccinated will I think be fairly informative.

What are the different risk categories, how do the old and unvaccinated cope with Omicron, how do the old and vaccinated cope with it, how do the young and unvaccinated cope with it.

This will be a pointer to March/April when boosters have worn off here.

If Omicron remains a serious threat to the old and immunocompromised but doesnā€™t massively affect the rest of us, thatā€™s still a big problem. You canā€™t just have people going into hospitals knowing thereā€™s a good chance they could be made more ill or die from picking up Covid in there. If we accept this we would be accepting we effectively have to live without a health service. I donā€™t think you can accept that.

If vaccines provide sod all protection against infection, thatā€™s five million people in this state that are susceptible to infection. Thatā€™s a lot of people. The massive wave will likely decline but it may well be that a lower but still significant spread is ever present, in a similarish manner to how Delta didnā€™t fall away to nothing after the July/August wave in the UK subsided a bit.

If it becomes clear that Omicron is not taking much of a toll on the vulnerable and immunocompromised, Iā€™d expect to see restrictions fade away to effectively nothing within a couple of months. People would probably still be asked to isolate for 5-7 days but it would probably be advisory.

Thatā€™s an if though.

And thereā€™s always the chance of a backtrack and people will have to understand that possibility will be there for the foreseeable future. The virus could evolve again, and thereā€™s no guarantee at all we wonā€™t have a problem again next winter and in future winters.


At this stage are we all agreed that the unvaccinated have had plenty opportunies and can go and fuck for themselves if they donā€™t want it?
Weā€™ve a remarkably high take up here, shouldnā€™t be an issue really. Most likely the unvaccinated have already had some strain of it as well