You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I’m after getting a positive antigen test this morning.
Tried to book a PCR to no avail.

What’s the protocol now,lads?
Self isolate for 7 days,inform work and tell the household to get an antigen as well?

Any help would be appreciated :grinning:


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Anyone you were in contact with in the previous 48 hours if you’ve symptoms needs to be told and needs to self isolate. If you’ve no symptoms it’s the previous 24 hours. If you are under 40 you don’t get a PCR anymore.

The 7 days only applies if you’ve had the booster.


Yeah I got the booster 23rd.

You’ll live so bud.

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One of my mates who had the booster around a month ago and tested positive the same day as me seems to have gotten a far worse dose of it than I have.

The booster seems to be a complete cod.

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That’s a good sample size you got there


What’s more surprising is he hangs around with someone 70+ …


I can only go on the evidence I have in front of me.


Did your pal wear a disguise to get the booster?

Where you getting the no pcr bit… Is that official policy?

Don’t forget to call the undertakers.:grinning:

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Did he score more points in his Leaving Cert than you by any chance?

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Apparently there’s a six month waiting list

Hopefully the New Year is better for you.


He might have Flurona which is the new deadly combination.

Cosying up with @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy means the damage is irreparable. He’ll need a rebrand too.