You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Forever covid

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There’s a heap of work going on in the Carrick on Suir plant

The two of you pissed the bed.

We’ll not dwell on it.

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As usual the balancing act is based a lot around spin and not being transparent. They believe they need a good proportion of people to keep thinking the virus is dangerous to everyone in order to keep enough people being cautious to protect hospital capacity. The government are showing with their actions (taking contact tracing out of schools, reducing isolation periods etc etc) that they know the virus is of absolutely no danger to the vast majority of people but with their words they can’t say that as the danger is among the already vulnerable and hospitals could be overrun.
The problem is because they don’t come out clearly and say ‘the virus is absolutely no danger to your children, statistically they are far more at risk of falling off a swing’ then you still have loads of mothers thinking egghead is like Heinrich Himmler sending the children in for mass extermination on January 7th.


The only sensible thing Egghead has said since this pandemic started was that trampolining is more dangerous than covid and he was destroyed for it. Those trampolining parenting psychos, taking their kids out of school and letting them bounce around in the back garden. Lunacy.


You should have called yourself aside when you cosied up with the daftest cunt on TFK. You were warned but continued on. An awful misjudgment on your part. Irreparable damage.

You got under the bed with Sid after attacking your mother for sending an infected birthday card.

Not all lads are made for a pandemic.

During the Omicron wave in Gauteng, 17.68% of hospitalisations have been under 20 years of age, compared to between 3 and 4% in previous waves.

All you need when you need it under the bed… sorry … tree ( tree Mike for fuck sake) at spar

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He cosied up to the guy who called him a rape apologist. Desperate times call for desperate allies.

It’s okay pal.

The audit trial doesn’t lie. Don’t end the year embarrassing yourself further.

The wind will change soon.

Carrick-on-Suir is MSD, that’s Merck. Two separate companies.


Thanks bro

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Vaccinated or unvaccinated, it doesn’t matter you utter dopes. The thing is a cod, a common cold.

Now fucking grow a pair and get on with things. Omicron is the endgame

Still a different company. Easy mistake to make though. The plant in Carrick has always been referred to locally as “Merck” but the Merck quoted earlier is a company that was called Millipore, then Merck Millipore, and now Merck.

Have you a date tonight kid?

I presume there’s someone else could produce stats from a province in South Africa to show the opposite. If that translates here though all bets are off and they can stop the disingenuous spin as it changes the situation completely.