You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We’ll find out in the next 7-10 days I suppose.

Come again?


This is where I saw those statistics referenced:

The next 14 days literally are crucial. 10 if you’ve had your booster

Find one kid

If you live in the States then fair enough kid. If not, it’s MSD.

Don’t be so dismissive, you’re the guy that told Harry off for using Merck
If you want to buy shares in MSD this is what you buy:


Very positive numbers, hospitalisations and deaths way down and they’ve fuck all vaccinated

My calls to hold steady til a vaccine arrived have been vindicated. Impatient lads like yourself who want everything yesterday were prepared to let thousands more die in order to get to the pub. Ye have the pub and a vaccine now but are still giving out. Will ye ever be content?

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It was a real eye opener alright… Individualism very quickly made it’s way to the fore of society.


This aged badly. We’ve 30000 cases a day and life goes on as normal.


He’s drink fuckall anyway

Well a railway man lay dying with his family all outside
His family were crying, all taking tests before he died.
But above his head just waiting for the dead
Was Tony with a smile on his face.
Meeeeholes not around
Look what I’ve found
This ones mine.
Just then meehole himself appeared
From under the bed
Or so it seemed
And shouted at Tony , hey booi
Fuck off back to nphet and we’ve all had enough
Of this shite.
But Tony just grinned and said I may have sinned
But theres no need to push me around.
I PCR’d him first, so you can do your worst.
Hes going underground.
But I think I’ll give you one more chance said Tony with a smile
So get rid of egg head Donnelly
Hes really not your style.
Covid is the name, cases are the game
We’ll play right here on this bed
And then we’ll play for the biggest stake yet.
Control of nphet.
Well the railway men he cut the tests
And gave them each a hand of five
And for meehole he was praying hard
Or that test wouldn’t keep him alive
Well Tony he had 3 lockdowns and the pubs
Meehole, he was going for the schools
He had Norma, egghead, Pascal and simon
All he needed was those green party fools.
And then meehole he called for one more test
But he drew Michael Healy Rae
And Tony said to the son of Cork
I believe you’ve got it straight.
So deal me one more time has come
To see who’ll be the king of this place
But as he spoke from beneath his cloak
He slipped another case.
10,000 cases was the opening bid
Soon went up to 55
But Meeehole didn’t see what Tony did
And said that suits me fine.
I’ll raise you high to a hundred and five
And forever put an end to this shit
But Tony let out a mighty shout.
Yes I keep nphet.


Sure it does buddy.


Tony Baloney at it again I thought that wankstain was banned from the airways

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Bit of craic to lighten the mood lads :grinning:


That’s mad. A relation swore blind to me the other day that they never said vaccines stopped transmission and infection. Wonder if the same was said in Ireland?

The Covid vaccines’ are leaky