You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Seems to be 90pc against kids masks from the few FB comment sections I looked at times indo etc. Almost in backlash territory. Iā€™d say theyll shelve it.

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Throwing you the crucial tenth, even if there is a bitbof a whiff of @Thomas_Brady curtain twitching going on. Thatā€™s just the kind of guy I am.

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I wore a mask at the school gate today.
The parent council types had retaken to wearing them the past couple of weeks and I realised yesterday I was now the only one not wearing one at collection time.

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@TreatyStones has fallen

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(van de b)Eek.

This will be like the Diamond Princess except you only get an economy class airline seat for two weeks.


This variant is going to take over. We might as well accept it. Likely to impact transmission significantly more than Delta. Only way out looks to be an improved vaccine.

Until the next one comes along.

Pure tokenism sure. There was a wind blowing through Kinvara today that would sweep a swarm of the covid proteins up to the Bog of Allen.


My young lad and his friend were breathing the cold air on top of each other yesterday morning "look at my breathing "

I hope you boxed him then and there, the little bollix.

One mother in ours posted up that she was keeping her youngster home but that she had passed her PCR test. Suddenly a few other did likewise. Eventually 90% had done it, leaving the others who hadnā€™t, Covidshamed.

Women are not to be fucked with.


He does his own thing. He got the creche evacuated a few weeks ago by setting off the fire alarm.




They all got tested and were negative ? Fcukin Arseholes.


Learn the sport of hurling you fucking clown or Iā€™ll have to set up my own podcast

I hear you. Time to air fuel bomb Schopl airport.

Youā€™d want your head examined to set foot on an aeroplane these days.

You havenā€™t hands to wipe your arse

Youā€™d want your head examined to set foot anywhere nowadays to be honest. Iā€™ve spoken to People who have had a booster shot a month ago and have just now caught the virus. These vaccinations donā€™t seem to empart immunity. Weā€™ll all get it, vaccinated or not by this time next year IMO.


Time to do a @flattythehurdler special and get yourself kicked out of the whatsapp group