You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Nothing to be got in Wexford for Monday. A few in Westmeath though!

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Hospitalisations in uk fairly rising but not ICU

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I know a family where in order to get all 5 tested they had to go to three different locations, 3 tests across two centres in Dublin and then two tests in Gary Barlow :sweat_smile:

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Who in their right mind would do that? The father/mother should be jailed


I know, madness

Mythinformed MKE (@MythinformedMKE) Tweeted:
On Joe Rogan, Dr Robert Malone suggests we are living through a mass formation psychosis.

He explains how and why this could happen, and its effects.

He draws analogy to 1920s/30s Germany “they had a highly intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad”

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Our boy Lukey has said it will all be done by Paddy’s day

He needs to stop plagiarising @Thomas_Brady lines🤣

TB ahead of the curve as usual.

How you holding up kid?

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Day 5/10

Went down to the pitch for a few pucks. Ended up doing a full shooting and sprinting session.

I’m hoping for a long COVID dividend similar to the Tyrone footballers later on in the year.

Hopping off the sod with this boost to the immune system.


400 out and 250 of them with Covid.


If you were a civil servant you’d be a fool not to be taking ten days off for yourself


I know I argue about pointless shit but PCR testing availability really takes the biscuit.

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

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As a civil servant working from home full time I resent that, I further resent that everyone knows covid is a mild dose that doesn’t justify taking time off work any more, and I further resent even more that everyone except us gets time off work when they catch it. Fuck sake.

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16k for Tuesday and 17k for Wednesday….

Serious problem now lads. The civil servants reckon they only have enough box sets to last them until Wednesday.


Grand kid monster sneezing and a runny nose is about the height of it

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Then we have the 2004 Munster final

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