You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

How bad… Leave me your Limerick regalia in your will just in case

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After a pretty miserable day I’m finally being to feel an easing in symptoms.

Don’t want to be premature now but I hope to be over the worst.


I have to say Fulvio, I honestly didn’t expect you to be such a moany cunt about this.

I actually had this in the DMs with Glas. @glasagusban was saying that when the TFK unvaxxed caught covid they’d be the moaniest cunts going and I was saying no, that they’d be in denial and it would be up to me to inform the board when you got taken to hospital, when you got fucked out of hospital for being unvaxxed, when you died of covid, etc. I was all set to keep the board informed on this but you’re being such a whiney fucking woman that it won’t be necessary.

@glasagusban well done, you were right.


You might translate that in the mornin at some stage boss.

Back in 1980 they were banning fireworks in Naples because of Covid.

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What’s his 5km time?

Explain this.


Just eat.

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Why does he have ‘Despite being fully vaccinated’ there. Vaccination does fuck all to stop transmission despite #wecanbe…

Also the tests are hit and miss so one chocolate atin paedo was feeling a bit weird the day he hopped on a plane in Christchurch and lo and behold he has it. Be some craic if someone went from there to NZ and sent jacinta home with her tae in a mug


Bye bye Covid. Don’t forget to close the door behind you


NZ will probably cause some new super strain when they climb out from under their chicken shit covered beds


Omicron is a gift. Too bad the West still harbours so much racism and didn’t listen to the doctor there.


Omicron is the best thing that ever happened to me.

You seem a bit triggered that you pumped copious amounts of monkey juice into yourself because you’re not man enough to handle a bit of flu.

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26 spare beds doesn’t seem great though. :grimacing: Can’t see the number in ICU not rising significantly over the next week with 50k odd catching it every day.

Hope all is well bud and you’re over it soon.

@Bandage covered this already

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Yet another one for the vindications/glasagusban thread.


I think the vaccine part needs to be highlighted to show vaccine certs are useless as you said they don’t stop transmission

Seat belts don’t stop deaths in car crashes, therefore seat belts are useless.

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