You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Vaccine certs have achieved nothing.


Leave me out of this. Cunt

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Jet stream?

Feeling quite a lot better this morning - fever/aches has subsided and my main ailments seem to just be a bit of lethargy/brain fog.


Great to hear

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Youā€™ll be like superman now lad.Omnicron will be the best thing that ever happened to you


Youā€™ve left plenty of TFKers with those symthoms when you crossed swords with them. Myself included.



How does the vaccine pass stop deaths? Iā€™m not arguing the vaccine itself but a poxy piece of paper

I see heā€™s made the decision to go private now. A Green Party councillor go stuck in yesterday against him and Iā€™d say heā€™s regretting it now.

126 sounds alright though

Iā€™m still showing as positive on the antigens on Day 5.

When should I start throwing up negative again?

The claim was made that vaccines donā€™t stop transmission, therefore vaccines are useless.

Using the exact same logic, one could say seat belts donā€™t stop people dying in car crashes, so letā€™s abolish seat belts.

Actually Iā€™m surprised some of the forumā€™s loo lah set havenā€™t yet argued that.

You need to get your viral load down. I presume youā€™ve been having raw egg first thing in the morning?

I suppose the theory is that it stops unvaccinated people going into confined spaces where people are congregating without masks and potentially spreading Covid-19. Unvaccinated people being more susceptible to serious illness.

I think thatā€™s incredibly obvious, weā€™ve all grown incredibly blasĆ© since the omicron data but vulnerable people are entitled to an acceptable lifestyle as well

Thereā€™s lads on here have taken more jabs than Graham Norton and your in better shape than them now.#bulletproof


The omicron is highly re- infectious ā€¦some reports saying reinfection is milder while others saying data Is unclear ā€¦ @Tierneevin1979 might be up to speed. But an unvaxxed person could be back at square one if they get it again.

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Public representation as it should be. A future President. The people of Galway should be very proud.



Great to see her call out the bigots like @Tank, @glasagusban and @the_man_himself for their intolerance and discrimination.