You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Catherine Connolly isn’t a mentaller so please cease trying to claim her.

No one said they are useless. Thankfully we may never know how many loves they saved among the elderly and seriously ill. Using vaccine passports won’t changed the effect as the virus will still spread and will never be gone. Vaccine passports and using it as a tool is absolutely useless. The vaccines as I have said has been very useful for the most at risk of death

Catherine seems to want to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds here

She seems to eviscerate small minded little bigots like you.

It’s about time you accepted that you are the mentaller.

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Yes they did. It’s a very commonly held view here actually.

Spontaneous covid.
Covid is eternal.

Or maybe the Penguins spread it.

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Sure look you’re the only one coming to that conclusion

My “conclusion” is a simple statement of fact.

Bullshit anti-vaccine rhetoric is widely spread on this forum.

Jaysus mate, it is a commonly held belief here that nobody under the age of 60 should take the vaccine, it’s repeated scores of times a day

I always presumed anyone saying that was taking the piss out Fulvio and the Nogra and the other headbangers?

Catherine is a true old style leftie. Not of the same cloth as your modern authoritarian woke leftie at all.


Deary me

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I’m absolutely bulletproof lads, a week of drinking in the pub in Ireland, every single lad I was with has tested positive since Stephens day. 7 antigens in a row negative

I was infected with a proper variant last year, the Kent variant and two doses of astra zenica monkey juice. It really is the rolls Royce


Looks like it’s fizzling out.

What do the experts believe will happen with Covid-19 in 2022? (via @IrishTimes) What do the experts believe will happen with Covid-19 in 2022?

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its over, its a total cod


That’s what sid is implying here but he only sees any debate as anti vax. My point is the vaccine passports/ certs whatever you want to call them are useless. What is the point of them? It won’t stop the spread of the virus. By all means anyone who wants the vaccine should get it, particularly those in higher risk categories as it has provided a massive improvement.

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The problem is you have vaccinated people like @glasagusban, @Tank and the @the_man_himself thinking their vaccination status allows them to go out and behave irresponsibly.

The only real upside to the vaccine rollout is to the people who get it themselves and that can almost be a neglible boost. I put down a tough 24 hours but feel much better today, I’ve heard many people who got the vaccine and were floored for a few days after it so it’s all relative.

The monkey juice will help those who are vulnerable or elderly but the benefits outside of that are utterly negligible.


It keeps the awkward squad locked out of society, which is good for the rest of us in and of itself. It reduces their opportunity to contract the virus and consequently block up our health system and ICU capacity further than they already have. While the virus can still be transmitted by vaccinated and boosted people it seems to be accepted that the awkward squad transmit it more, and in higher viral loads which can affect how sick people get, and so it keeps everyone else safer.

In any event it doesn’t really matter. Any normal person can still enter or enjoy whatever place they’re going to by simply producing their cert and we can all get on with our lives. There’s really no issue here.

It nearly wiped out the chimps


I had a lad who has since infected himself and his whole family (6) breathing straight into my face for 3 hours on Stephens day, two dozes of AZ and a infection of the original variants are a serious combination to provide immunity. the monkey brains az vaccine is serious tack an this proves it, whingers going on about “getting an awful dose after the moderna booster” are fooling themselves and still getting awful sick after getting the mickey mouse omicron variant

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