You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We shouldn’t be locking anyone out of society. People should get the vaccine but shouldn’t be forced or forced to in a roundabout way. If the vaccine stopped transmission than it would be reasonable.

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It’ll be over when big pharma says that it’s over, sonny

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What is isolation time now? Is it still 10 days or has it been reduced to 7?

7 days if you’ve had your booster. 10 days otherwise I think.

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I’ve 2 days left :pray:

Surely everyone accepts a complete lock down was the wrong move.

If the nutters in China didn’t lock down initially no other country would have locked down. It was pure panic.

Do you recall the scenes from Italy Spain and new York where hospitals were overwhelmed and they didn’t even have enough room in the morgues for all the bodies?

I think we had too many restrictions for too long in Ireland, and a lot of pointless and stupid restrictions, but seriously, try not to completely lose all perspective.


Anti-vaxxers decided they wanted to lock many millions of people out of society forever.

Fuck them.

What a load of bullshit article, ‘it might be this and it could be that’

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I know a lad who had a matter that needed attention at TD level last year. He didn’t know any of them from Adam but after an email and a letter(cc Dr Tony) sent to each, he received the following
TD 1 Completely ignored
TD 2 Courteous but hollow brief email exchange
TD 3 10 minute phonecall
TD 4 A courteous but frank extended email exchange followed by a 30 minute phonecall
Catherine Connolly A one hour, one to one meeting(socially distanced) with numerous and ongoing follow ups.
He says now, Catherine Connolly is a Great Woman, a Woman of the People


Your body is a temple though in fairness

Omicron may be nature’s vaccine.


hopefully, but what until some other version of Covid comes along and worms it way around it

hope you correct though

Even luke o neill said this is the end of covid.

Agree there’s uncertainty about the future of the virus, but the evidence from South Africa is very encouraging. They had large alpha and delta waves with deaths reaching 500-700 a day at their peaks, but Omicron has swept through the country incredibly quickly with higher case numbers than prior waves but a relatively low death toll. The evidence suggests that protection against serious disease is holding up whether acquired by vaccination or prior infection (there’s still only a third of the adult population in SA fully vaccinated), and as Omicron sweeps over the world more and more people are gaining further immunity.


We’re done. All we need now is St Patrick to run NPHET out

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Waiting game now.
Be glad to see the back of this cursed plague

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She dumped me but it was the best thing that ever happened to me. This is the new me!

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Better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all