You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Iā€™ll never get this worked up over a virus again. I was missing nights out with the boys. Now itā€™s bros over viruses. Iā€™m back.

Some lads going to very conflicted by this

More shame for Big Pharma.


Be quiet and inject 4 Pfizer products a year into your blood for the rest of your life


My antigen today (Day 6) seems a little more faint/slower to register than on Days 1, 3 and 5.

I think my ā€˜viral loadā€™ is reducing.

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Did you get a PCR test yet or are you going to leave it?

I did my PCR test over the weekend and have come back positive.

No I didnā€™t bother in the end.

Too much hardship going online at midnight to get an appointment in Shannon or some other kip over 50 miles away.

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Itā€™s going to be carnage between now and the end of next week.

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@Cheasty can you fill me in on what you know about this? I have only one side but would like your opinion too

Is Paddy the good guy now

Thereā€™s no doubt now Leo is the biggest OIUTF man in the government. Heā€™s definitely the one spinning against tony about leaking constantly too.

Heā€™s just smart enough to know whatā€™ll get him votes and going with it.

If the public wanted lock down heā€™d be behind lockdown. Heā€™s spineless.


Big Pharma execs running anonymous Twitter accounts praising govt policy of pushing vaccines and the effectiveness of vaccines I think tells you where we are.

The misinformation consistently pedaled by the vaccines zealots has been facilitated by those who have a hell of a lot of financial and personal benefits from this.

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Varadkarā€™s election record is poor but heā€™s relatively popular with the media and they give him fairly good press because 1) heā€™s usually reliable for a sound bite and 2) heā€™s usually good to leak them stories. Heā€™s despised by the two other government parties and by some within his own ranks for the exact same reasons.

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Who leaked that info to you?

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Here we go again

As I said, this thing will stay going for as long as big pharma want it to stay going. The whole thing is corrupt


Here comes Santa Claus. Here comes Santa Claus
Right down Santa Claus way


Anyone who drinks a lot or smokes and refuses to get the vaccine is a prick