You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite


At what point is your vaccine jab utterly useless. Say for instance someone had their second shot in June and hasnā€™t and got a booster since. Would they have any advantage at all 9 months or a year later down the line as opposed to a person who never got the vaccine or are they effectively at the same point by then?

Anyone with a brain should be able to see now that if your fit and healthy Covid has about the sane risk profile as the flu. So I guess you would have to ask yourself why some people are so dismissive of flu but petrified of Covid?

Covid was no biggy at all for me. Iā€™ve had loads of worse flus. That will no doubt drive the vaccine zealots mad on here but that was my reality.

Itā€™s fairly clear now that the antibodies produced by vaccination donā€™t last. The thinking though is that memory cells (T and B cells) do persist, so when you get infected down the road they activate and mount an immune response. People who have been infected demonstrate the same, so you should be in good shape for any future Covid threat.


So those of us who have just got the Vid, get boosted now, later or not bother?

Can someone take a shot at answering why Ireland with one of the highest vaccination rates in Europe, and according to your fearful leader MM today the highest booster uptake in Europe, also has the highest daily number of Covid cases per capita in Europe? Over 20,000 cases a day seems a bit fucking odd, no? Is it still a pandemic of the unvaccinated?

Sweden has one of the lowest Omicron waves in Europe, 500 cases per million a day compared to Irelandā€™s 4,000. But itā€™s unfair to compare Sweden to Ireland, letā€™s compare Sweden to itā€™s Scandanavian neighbors. Sweden is at 500 cases per million a day, Norway at 700, and Denmark at 3,000. What the actual fuck.

Professor Lone Simonsen of Rosklide University in Denmark offered this opinion today on Sweden:
ā€œI have wondered if their early strategy in spring 2020, which led to more immunity than here, could be of help to them now along with the vaccineā€.

No shit, Sherlock.


Can you answer an unrelated question for me?
Why do you think I have never had a flu in my life when many people here seem to get them every year, I havenā€™t ever gotten that jab and I donā€™t live like a hermit by any means, I mean I get the old head cold alright.
I hear people talking about Covid as being like a flu but Iā€™ve heard that a flu is very debilitating.

The vaccines obviously do fuck all to stop the spread

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Have any OIUTF graph men stepped in and filled the Conor Riocht breach?

My favourite LIDTF graph man, Andrew Flood, had a Twitter thread yesterday that focused on the ā€œbut the hospital numbers are much lower than last Januaryā€ narrative thatā€™s prevalent in many quarters.

His graphs showed the comparison to be quite misleading in that the numbers now are higher than at the equivalent date in January last year.

People like Dan McConnell in The Examiner were taking end of last January figures of 2k in hospital and 200+ in ICU and saying we compare favourably but they werenā€™t factoring in the lag effect.

As myself, @Arthur and @Cheasty have said, letā€™s just see how things are looking in another two weeks or so. There is some encouraging data that suggests omicron is behaving here as it has elsewhere and that elevated case numbers arenā€™t translating into the same ICU increases but we need more time to be certain.

In the meantime, we need to remain vigilant and find ways to lock the unvaccinated out of society.


lads queuing up to get that pfizer shite cracks me up


Iā€™m sure working as a teacher all these years has inadvertently lead to you having a robust immune system.

What an idiotic post. I hope the crĆØches close because I know itā€™ll piss you off.


It would negatively change my life in ways Iā€™ve always thought possible.

A lot of closed minds on this forum but your ability to flip from OIUTF to LIDTF and back as the epidemiological situation and the situation vis a vis creches evolves is admirable.


So effectively a dose of Omicron is of far, far more benefit to a fit and healthy u40 than a vaccine.

Can @Tank, @glasagusban, and @the_man_himself please explain why they wanted to coerce u40s into getting the shit vaccine. I understand they must not be extremely embarrassed at how gullible and naive they were. This will be a character test on their humility though.

It helps when youā€™re exempt from the 30 minute between posts rule :open_mouth:

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Iā€™m a little uncomfortable with being lumped into the vulnerable category pal. Can you adjust your arguments to be consistent with the ā€˜Ould wansā€¦ā€™ thread and make 45 the cut off please.


That rule is stringently enforced on this thread.

Because we canā€™t be trusted with liqour


All our restrictions, our incredibly slow reopening, our massive vaccine rates and weā€™re no better than the UK, which was fully open for months and continues to have full houses at football/darts. And fellas still advocating lockdowns


Would you not think getting a vaccine is preferable to you apparently getting a flu for a few days? I donā€™t know anybody u40 who had the vaccine and contacted covid in the last few weeks who had symptoms anywhere near as bad as the flu