You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

Yeah,the UK has been wide open since the may bank holiday and they’re no worse off than Paddy who been hiding under the bed the last 2 years.We’re go in to have to rename this place Craggy Island for real.Archbishop Houlihan is our Bishop Brennan.

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The ideal scenario from reading that is to have gotten the vaccine, then the infection. With the bitching you went on with after getting the mildest form of it you can thank your lucky stars you didn’t get it sooner


As @Biff_Egan referenced, you’d get less flip flopping walking from a leisure centre changing room to a pool…but it seems quite perverse that 2 years later there are whole industries locked down to a large degree (entertainment, hospitality, sport) because the situation is very serious and gathering indoors should be avoided…yet they’re just going to pile kids/teachers back into poorly ventilated schools without taking any mitigating measures.

I guess this is the inconsistent bit that has LIDTF folk hopping like sausages in a pan. Their response to comments to the effect of…keep your kids at home if you’re not happy sending them to school…is that surely it is reasonable to expect that efforts should be made to make schools safer in the first instance. It shouldn’t really be a binary thing.

I get that kids don’t seem to get too sick from this but I wonder how families feel about the situation when it’s been brought home from school and infected other siblings and parents too? Would you just accept it as being part of dealing with a pandemic or would you be raging with the government/NPHET/Ryan Tubridy?

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Apologies lads. Schoolboy error.

That should have said…there ARE some encouraging data.

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No. A bit of flu doesn’t worry me. It keeps my immune system toned up. I had one rough day with Covid and then my immune system responded by kicking Covid’s absolute cunt in

Some people who got the vaccine were absolutely floored from it to going by recollections I’ve heard here and elsewhere.

As an unvaccinated person who had Covid and an unvaccinated person who has flew in recent years, my outlook is the same. You get these viruses, your immune system fights them, you get better. I’m just not a pussy about getting a little sick for a day or two.

Why has your outlook changed that u40s are no longer allowed get mildly sick for a day or two?

It’s fascinating probing the logic (or lack of) in your stance. It seems to get very embarrassing for you and others at this juncture.

The news headlines on Radio Nova this morning were some doctor saying that that the omicron wave wasn’t as bad as they’d feared and then news that the EU are testing the new anti-virals that reduce hospitalization by 89%. Then they had professional Monaghan loudmouth Dr Ilona Duffy saying that you should be allowed off work with just a positive antigen, don’t bother with the PCR test and then they had somebody important suggesting that if you’re boosted and you’re a close contact you shouldn’t have to self-isolate, just wear a mask for a few days.

Covid is over, I’m bored of this thread now.

Omicron was the best thing to happen to me in 20 years. Me catching omicron was the only silver lining to this whole sorry affair, it changed everything. Everyone needs to get omicron now. Let her rip and if you’re not vaccinated at this stage let God sort them out. I wouldn’t say that @Thomas_Brady 's little girl has covid and if she does then she shouldn’t have been down the pub. Fuck the vaccine passes, fuck everything, get omicron. If we’re shut down again it will be because not enough people got it.

@Bandage the 30 mins rule forces me to reply to you in this post. My reply is how the fuck are you posting twice in 2 minutes? Fucking cheat. To answer your question omicron is a blessing for any family but I would still just hate Tubridy and NPHET anyway. Is Tubridy getting it bad on Twitter? How is he responsible for this?

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What’s the point in getting mildly sick if you can avoid it? I have never had the flu in my life but it sounds fairly miserable compared to my experience which was coughing maybe 3 times a day

You didn’t avoid it though.

You got Covid. Was your Covid completely asymptomatic?

As I said, it’s fascinating to probe the logic around your stance and expose to everybody there is none with you. You did what you were told without ever questioning it - monkey see, monkey do.

You took a vaccine that seemed to have the most adverse reactions in young and healthy people - loads of stories of lads laid out in bed, that failed to stop mass transmission of the virus and which only yielded a very mild and short lived virus for the fit and healthy u40 demograph.

You’re now just making a complete tit of yourself trying to defend that.

Anyway it’s good to see you seem to be petrified by a flu and have zero faith in your own immune system to fight off a mild seasonal virus that you are now addicted to monkey juice manufactured by scientists by billion dollar companies to save you. And it didn’t even get stop you getting it.

You really should have MUG printed across your forehead. :rofl:

The only explanation is they (in other words tony) have decided that Omicron is a cod. Or at least they are willing to take a chance it’s a cod. The 8pm 5pm thing was the last sting of a dying wasp and the ultimate ‘be seen to be doing something’ as a sop to the LIDTF side and covers their arse a small bit just in case they are wrong. It was also a last departing boot to the head of the pubs by Tony. He would have absolutely nothing to lose by closing schools for a few weeks. Most of his constituency would agree with him. Fact he’s not doing it tells all of where his heads at.


I had a cough maybe 3 times a day at most with no other symptoms. Same as everyone else I know vaccinated around my age.

You had a flu which sounds completely miserable. I’m not the mug here getting sick for no reason

It was a fair bit milder and shorter than a flu actually. Would not make my top 5 flus.

You’re scrambling again. You’ve now admitted that you’re petrified of getting sick, petrified of trusting your own immune system to fight off mild seasonal viruses. You took the vaccine and still got sick, the only difference is you are wither too soft to put up with being sick or if you have no faith in your immune system.

You also ignored the fact that people have been floored by reactions to the vaccine, most notably in the healthier and younger cohorts as this would be common in your immune system fighting off the virus.

As my experience recalls I had a one tough day, that was immune system going to war with Covid and trouncing it. Are you now worried you have a weak immune system?

You did get sick after doing everything they told you to. I had one day in bed and experimental monkey juice in my body. I now have far stronger natural immunity than you as my body fought it with all its own resources, not some fluid borrowed from a chimp.

There are two types of people in life. Those who back themselves and helpless moddycoddled sorts like yourself.

For right or wrong they clearly made a policy decision in the Autumn to keep schools open no matter what. I think it was right call to make.


I don’t think it matters when they open, we’ll have the same problems anyway, might as well plough on through and hope for the best.
Bring all student teachers from 2nd year on into the sub pool and see how it goes


UK deaths per 1m of population = 2,184
Ireland deaths per 1m of population = 1,171

UK beat us up a stick on how many hours pubs have been open which is the metric the likes of yourself use to define success so yep we’re no better off than them.

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You must have an incredibly weak immune system if you’ve gotten more than 5 proper flus.


I don’t think many people on here actually know what a flu is. It’s very evident from their postings…


Not a notion

Is that from this year, the year I was referring to?

Not surprisingly in a glib attempt to make yourself look intelligent you have made a tit of yourself.

The flu is annual seasonal virus, which means every year you’ve been around you have been exposed to it. In my own case, I’ve never been jabbed for flu which means I’ve been ripe for flu every winter and I’ve generally had some form of it most winters as most people will. I don’t need a vaccine for it, my body can handle it, until such time as some health issue changes in me I have no need for a vaccine to protect me from mild seasonal virusus.

Now you entered proper into it, not me - I said flu, it’s annual as I pointed out earlier. I’m on record here as saying I’ve had 2/3 bad flus in my life - one of which was the Aussie flu a few years back - that’s it. I’ve had mild ailments every other winter along those lines, in a normal year I’d have been in work when I had the type of symptoms I had with Covid, it would not have been strong enough to keep me off work.

I’d also like to mention that fact that you were whinging like a little bitch after getting yourself spiked up with monkey juice all because you are petrified of a mild respiratory illness or are too servile to question the narrative

Hopefully you take this educational post with appreciation rather than a petted lip from the bitch slapping I just gave you.

You’ve had 5 flu’s? Jaysus, do you wash at all

I’ve never had a flu jab or the flu. You must be in bad way lad. You really should get the vaccine, you are clearly at risk