You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

You’ve had the 100 times, you were just man enough to take it.

You reckon we currently have similar fatality rates to the UK, really?

Apologies, that makes it much clearer. You are just one of these lads who every time they get a head cold claim they have “the flu”.


@balbec will save a few euro this weekend if he travels over.


They are quite similar. Both are higher than Sweden’s (currently)

For the record I didn’t mention pubs once in my post.

Shush… We’re not allowed talk about Sweden

It’s fairly easy to have a comparable death rate at the moment when so many more vulnerable people have already died

Cider vinegar is a great thing

That’s about the height of it…

Jesus, you get the flu every year while many people have gone through their whole lives without once picking it up,
And you’re boasting about your immune system?
I’d say you should avail of whatever vaccines are going because you’re clearly in the at risk category



I don’t think you understand how immune systems work.

They’re mild deaths though, so carry on.

Ireland’s latest available weekly report had 22 deaths. UK have had 900 in the week to Jan 4th. Allowing for population if we had similar death rates to the UK then we would have approx 70 deaths in the last week. So if you deem three times as many deaths per capita as being similar then yes we have similar death rates.

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The flu is no joke. Omicron is no flu. Saying that, as I have said previously I reckon I had the wuhan strain which was worse than any flu I had.

I’m still positive on the Antigens on Day 8.

Seem to have got a proper dose of the Omicron variant. My immune system will be something else after this. cc @Tassotti

Think I’ll get the test anyway just in case

Is that day 8 after infection or after test? I was testing positive on the antigens until 10 days after I got it

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Omicron is the soundest cunt going