You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

I was infected on Dec 26th (Fairly sure of this)

I tested positive on 29th which I’m counting as Day 1.

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Here is 2021 for the countries in question.

Travel open
Schools open

I assume all other restrictions will be lifted now as a matter of the upmost urgency


Day 1 is first day of symptoms. Not sure what it is for asymptomatics.

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I’ve no way of knowing what we have , we can’t get pcr. But I suspect it’s delta… Mrs has the black lung…

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Luke must be making a fortune from the lads using antigen tests every five minutes to see if they’re good to get back to the pub.

It will be the addiction in the country. Some folks can barely function without doing an antigen test.


Scrapping testing requirements of “ vaccinated “ travellers into the Country surely means all restrictions are being dropped soon?

Considering the amount of vaccinated citizens getting infected or reinfected I can’t understand the logic unless as you asked, all other restrictions are being lifted.

Good of the government to explain this all so clearly

UK had 48 deaths yesterday, 42 the day before. Ireland only reports weekly and reported 22, which is 3 a day.

Both are going down in a hurry

You asked what the benefits of Ireland’s extra restrictions were when compared with the UK. Like the other mentallers you can cherry pick data to make it look like the UK are having similar outcomes to us with less restrictions. They clearly have far higher fatalities per capita than us. Two years into this and it still has to be pointed out to people like yourself.

The lad who tells us Sweden are only allowed to be compared with other Scandinavian countries on Covid but wants NZ compared to the rest of the world collaring other posters about being selective.

The brazen stupidity of Mike is something else.


Now that Conor’s gone it’s harder for Kealan Flynn to keep bluffing he’s a doctor for his fake account that everybody knows is fake and nobody reads.

Was told the hse are paying pharmacist €85/hr in the vaccination centres. Christ that’s some money to throw a jab into an arm.

Holohan is happy to throw out a few crumbs now that minimum pricing for alcohol has come into law. If they ban cigarettes altogether he might allow pubs open till 10. One hand washes the other as the fella says.


I was going to reply to @mikehunt about how hilarious him accusing me of cherry picking is but @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy beat me to it (like awarded accordingly).

I would like to talk about the travel restrictions, both the recent ones and the previous MHQ. I will openly admit they caused me untold hassle at the order and caused me to be verbally abused and, on 2 occasions, physically threatened by trying to implement them. If you want to call me biased then there you go.

However, I will argue with anyone here that they not only achieved the square root of fuck all but placed savage expense and hardship on people, most of whom were travelling for very urgent reasons (especially in the case of MHQ). It was a daily occurrence to encounter a Brazilian, Indian or South African who had to return home for a family funeral, to attend to urgent family matters or to visit dying relatives and then had to fork out €1800, and take two extra weeks off, on their return. And did it keep Delta out? Did it fuck.


You’re 100% correct there. I said this as soon as they were announced let alone put into action.

@carryharry, what’s the point in requiring a negative test for people coming in, they’re not going to make it any more covidy.

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Guys, what’s done is done.

We now need to work together to get out of this mess and rebuild what’s left of society.