You Are Not Stuck In Covid, You Are Covid Part 6 of infinite

We need to line the lads up who were under the bed and fire balls of their own Covid at them.

The rest of us got on with it at great danger and we never once shirked.

The most telling statistic in all of this was that 80 per cent or more of lads with Long Covid never had Covid.


How dare they try and contain the spread of a killer virus. You asked what the benefits of restrictions implemented here were when compared to the UK. The UK have one of the highest death rates and yet you try and maintain we are similar to them. Weā€™re not.

Interesting how you zoned in on one particular restriction and how it impacted you. Using anecdotal evidence to definitively declare that it had no impact whatsoever. The people who were shouting at you doing your job are similar to the lads who are giving likes to your incorrect assertion that we have similar fatality rates to the UK.

This has been explained to you numerous times.

80% of Covid deaths are 65 and older. 18% of the UK population is over 65, itā€™s 13% in Ireland. That gap gets bigger as you go up into the higher age brackets. Compared to someone in their 20s, the risk of death from Covid for someone over 65 is x65, x150 for someone over 75 and x370 for someone over 85.

Can you think of any reason why Ireland has a lower number of elderly than the UK? As thinking isnā€™t your thing, Iā€™ll help you out. The average age of Covid deaths in the UK and Ireland is 80. An 80 year was born in 1942, people aged 65 - 85 were born from 1937 to 1957. Can you think of anything that was happening in the 30s, 40s, and 50s that could explain why Ireland has a much lower elderly population than the UK?

There are other factors as well, but age demographics is the big one.


Why bother with restrictions of any sort?

Agreed, OIUTF


Peru has a median age of 31. Irelandā€™s median age is 38.5.

Why are Peruā€™s death rates from Covid so much higher than Irelandā€™s?

The main reason Ireland has a much lower death rate than the UK is because it has been more responsible in terms of restrictions.

The UKā€™s policy since July has been a complete failure. They have thrown 20k plus people into their graves for no reason. They are unique among western European countries in doing that.

Why have they been so since the start of the pandemic?

Very interesting McWilliamsesque theory. In fintan o tooles book he has an incredible stat that by 1961 in or around 45pc of the people born in the 1930s had emigrated. They were mostly from lower socio economic cohorts too so more likely to be in poor health. Remarkable forward planning by LIDTF.


That 45% is a remarkable stat. Is that in his recent publication?

Itā€™s staggering that there are people out there who believe we would have the same number of fatalities if we hadnā€™t introduced any restrictions. This is the denial healthcare workers are dealing with. Thankfully itā€™s a minority here.

How we act now and in the coming months will shape our society for generations. We need to be firm but above all show kindness, even to the unvaxxed.

The economic policies of chasing multi national investment and joining the EU changed Ireland beyond recognition.

Lads still donā€™t get that. SF IRA argued against this all the way.

SF want an Ireland where the proletariat are potato sack wearing spud dependent uninformed do what they are told Muppets, much like SF voters at the moment but more of them

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But theyā€™ll have a free gaff in fairness.

Yeah his new book


Did ye see Northern Irelandā€™s case numbers last night?

It was 4 days put together and came to a nice round number of 30,000.

Iā€™d say theyā€™ve all just decided to give up on it now at this stage.

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Even SAGE themselves admit the only restrictions that work are a complete lockdown, stay at home, no schools open, only essential businesses open, no visiting other people, all hospitality closed, etc. All other half assed restrictions have minimal impact, other than damaging society. Everyone with the exception of lunatics now accepts that this type of lockdown cannot go on more than a few months, if for no other reason that younger people wonā€™t accept it. So, unless you live in a totalitarian society like China it canā€™t be implemented.

Basically what you are saying is that western societies should have stayed in hard lockdown as long as there was a threat of Covid deaths, so March 2020 to now, a mere 22 months. In fact you were calling for a complete level 5 lockdown in Ireland in mid December, echoing Independent SAGE in the UK. They and you were wrong, again.

Regarding the death rate in Peru, comparing Peru or Brazil or India to rich western countries is also the domain of the lunatic. These countries have widespread poverty and everything that goes along with it, poor health and health care, shortages of supplies, etc. 25% of Peruvians live in poverty (actual poverty) and 70% have informal jobs. Do you think they should have joined the laptop WFH cohort?

Once you factor in age demographics there is statistically little difference in death rates in western countries. Itā€™s basically 2,000 +/- 500 per million, Ireland is on the low side due to itā€™s younger population. Case numbers are even more tightly bunched, Ireland has similar overall case numbers per capita to the UK and higher than many European countries. So restrictions did not lead to lower cases, but deaths were lower due to the lower percentage of elderly vulnerable.

What people like yourself and independent SAGE donā€™t understand or want to understand is that at least 50% of the population donā€™t have the option of staying at home and protecting themselves from an airborne virus. In poorer countries that percentage is 70% or higher. In reality the only people who have been protected locally and globally are the privileged.


Your vaccine certs will be updated by Jan 15th with booster details


And the FFG stooges are critical thinkers I suppose? :rofl:.

Cheers for the lol pal.

Germany has an average age of 45.7.

The UK has an average age of 40.5.

Germany has a death rate per million of 1,349.

The UK has a death rate of 2,177.

I brought up Peru because you are claiming that average ages are the main reason that explains differing death rates. Iā€™m debating on your logic. Which you now admit is bunkum.

And the Germany-UK comparison demonstrates in clear terms that it is bunkum.

Your half baked theory is like a jockey unseated at the first fence in the Grand National, and you are like the loose horse that runs headlessly around the full two circuits afterwards.

Maybe youā€™ll revert to Germanyā€™s smoking rates explaining everything, as you claimed at the start of the pandemic? That was a right laugh, especially when it was proven you had pulled smoking rates in various European countries out of your arse.

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Proportionate and effective restrictions have a place. Pointless and nonsensical ones donā€™t. Same as any measure really.